Legal Industry Sector and Function BlockChain Management System BCMS™

, designed for law societies, law firms, lawyers and legal customers. This gives you cloud based-access to all relevant documents in respect to the case; at all levels (high-level, court document level, evidentiary level); this way it will be handy. You will need to give me about 15 days more or less; I need to make time. 

MASTERWALLET™ for Lawyers service is a part of wider family of goods (products) and services (methods) recognized world-wide by the distinctive source identifier trademark brand name: MASTERWALLET™ (; and serves as a source identifier trademark brand of goods (products) and services (methods) for:

MASTERWALLET™ Digital Wallet Suite™: the World's First, Most Trusted, Safer, Better and More Efficient Brand of Digital Wallet:

Designed to assure utmost levels of Quality, Command and Control (QCC™) of your digital and non-digital world.

MASTERWALLET™ for Lawyers: 

A revolution in the legal sector created by correct and proper unification of disparate units of knowledge resulting in: safe, reliable and good, standards, systems, technology, goods (products) and services (methods) resulting in empirically higher levels of: quality, efficiency, transparency, trust, traceability, verifiability, reliability, stability, environmental sustainability, data immutability, fact non-repudiation, management and understanding for better, safer and more efficient:

<> Legal Goods (products)

<> Legal Services (methods)

<> Legal Support Services and Resources

What can a law firm and lawyer achieve with goods (products) and services (methods) marketed by the MASTERWALLET™ source identifier trademark brand name?

Visit the MASTERWALLET™ website to learn about other regulatory-integrated, industry applications marketed by the trademark source identifier MASTERWALLET™ trademark brand name.

Brought to you by 

MQCC™: The World's First BlockChain Company™; The Worlds Most Trusted BlockChain Company™

Why this website? Ironically, there is real confusion and uncertainty by billions of people (including licensed legal professionals; government leaders, policy makers, business leaders) regarding what is, "a traceable, verifiable, immutable, non-repudiable, immutable, quality-managed" concept system of transparency and trust. The Governor of MQCC Bungay International LLC (based in Washington, DC, USA) and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MQCC™ Money, Quality, Conformity, Control Organization incorporated in Canada, as MortgageQuote Canada Corp., Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay  is the discoverer and world's leadership authority in matters related to "BlockChain", "BITCOIN" and "CRYPTO"; learn from the creator of the global system of BlockChain: MQCC™. 

Learn the correct and proper DESCRIPTIVE nature, quality, character and composition; and prevent DECEPTIVE or DECEPTIVELY MISDESCRIPTIVE use in regulatory-integrated, government, industry (commerce; finance) and academia. Borne of over 21 years of observation, hypothesis, discovery, testing, development, commercialization, regulatory-integration, National and International Standards-integration and continual improvement; from MQCC™:

The Worlds First BlockChain Company™; The Worlds Most Trusted BlockChain Company™

An initiative of MQCC™ International Standards Federation ISF™ (

MQCC™ International Standards Federation (ISF™), your world's Authoritative body and Sanctioning body for your world's first, (Originating™) commercialized, litigation-tested, regulatory-scrutinized, regulatory-integrated, defense-standard, military-grade, National and International Standardized, Continually Improving knowledge concept system and applied concept system of non-novel (exact) conformity science ( coined the subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; first observed, discovered and commercialized between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and at least as early as April 9, 2005 by Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, for a globally accessible, "PEER TO PEER ELECTRONIC FINANCE SYSTEM" (; with integration to a subordinate  system, namely a quality management infrastructure system registered to ISO 9001:2000 at least as early as May 9, 2005 and subsequent infrastructure upgrades to ISO 9001:2008 and the current risk-based ISO 9001:2015.

21+ Leadership Years: 2001:2021:Onward

Commercialized, Regulatory Integrated, Tested, Proven: TRUSTED BY BILLIONS™

Commerce: / Science & Academia: / Governance:


Visit and to learn more.

The Science of BLOCKCHAIN™

The Global Standard for BlockChain®

The Global Standard for Crypto®

The Global Standard for BITCOIN™

Registered and Common-law Trademark Brands of Goods (Products) and Services (Methods) or Generic Equivalent

NOTICE: This website is for both LEGAL PROFESSIONALS and REGULATORY PROFESSIONALS; and the following:

This website serves as an authoritative, transparent, traceable, verifiable, non-repudiable, quality-managed, primary source of knowledge in respect of the correct and proper ["correct and proper" is a terminological phrase defined as: "a true, realistic, objective expression of the ordinary nature, quality, character, composition, extent; material content; characteristic, feature, function, purpose or use] material factors that comprise the knowledge base of the originating concept systems related to the theory and application of non-novel (exact) domain of conformity science and subordinate concept systems including:

In order to PREVENT Government, Policymaking, Industry and CONSUMER prima facie (immediate, apparent, "at the surface", initial) misunderstanding or deception caused by misdescription or misdescriptive quality or misdescriptive characteristic or deceptively misdescriptive presentment of the concept systems in real-world, corporate and organizational professional liability-risk insured or regulatory integrated applications in:

This website provides you with a high-level understanding of why you must have the correct and proper:

In this new. emergent "Age of non-novel (exact) conformity science." 

Learn more here




BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ is your globally accessible, world-wide authoritative source of correct and proper information for De Facto and De Jure Standards and Concept Systems for originating, Regulatory-Integrated, Commercialized, Military-Grade, Defense Standard, Quality Managed, Litigation-Tested, Intellectual Property Prosecuted, Regulatory-Scrutinized, Professional Liability (errors and omissions) insured, "BlockChain"; Authentic Originating BITCOIN™ and "Crypto" Recognized in up to 118+ Countries

At least as early as August 14, 2001 to 2021, Onward.

If you are a member of a law society that is a member of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICRL) or Equivalent body or If you are a member of Top Management of law firm or you are a legal professional in your own right and you are licensed by a member of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICRL) or Equivalent body, then you need to reference this website because MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ provides official, authoritative knowledge for articling and practicing legal professionals who are required by their licensing and governing bodies (Law Societies) to have necessary and sufficient, functional knowledge in subject matters that are non-legal in nature, quality and characteristics.

Some or all components of the concept systems, knowledge base and intellectual property; learning, education and training (LET); testing, audit, accreditation and continual improvement for which BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ serves as a trademark source identifier:

(a) is successfully litigation-tested; by one or member Organisations (Law Society or Law Societies) of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR) [ICLR members are individuals working in legal sector regulation and associated fields (source:];

(b) is successfully defended by lawyers representing commercial professional liability and errors and omissions, professional practice insurance risk underwriters, brokers and agents pursuant to an actual or perceived nonconformity emanating from a successfully completed commercial, regulatory-integrated, business transaction;

(d)  is successfully prosecuted or approved within an intellectual property protection regime; by legal professionals; appointed or employed by intellectual property organizations that based in a country that is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organization under treaty or inter-government agreement;

(d) serves as world-wide de facto standards because the MQCC STANDARD™ underlying body of knowledge is traceable to world's first application of a "peer to peer electronic finance system" created by A. K. (Anoop) Bungay (with a little help from his elder brother, Santosh); developed between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and April 9, 2005); is successfully commercialized since at least as early as April 9, 2005 and regulatory-integrated in one or more OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) and World Trade Organization (WTO) countries;

(e) serves as world-wide de jure standards because they integrate with and conform to, the National and International Standards of at least 118+ countries; namely, ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and the current risk-based, ISO 9001:2015; recognized for trust, safety, efficiency, accountability, by billions of people, globally;

(f) MQCC™ is a member of the United Nations Innovation Network and with Global Head Office domiciled in a Commonwealth member-nation country;

Correct and Proper knowledge protects you, your law firm, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Organizations you might act for; along with Individuals you might act for.

BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ is your authoritative source.

Founding Organizations

Members of, or Integrated with; the Standards, Practices, Guidelines or  Expectations of the Following Organizations

United Nations UN

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  OECD™

World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO™

World Trade Organization WTO™


Your World-wide Lawyer, Legal and Industry (de jure and de facto) Standard for Expertise™

MQCC™ BLOCKCHAIN FOR LAWYERS™ is the Global Authority on the Nature, Quality, Characteristics, Feature, Function, Extent and Application of superordinate and subordinate concept systems (units of knowledge) borne of the non-novel (exact) conformity science knowledge domain, including the following concept systems:

This is Not a complete list.

From at least as early as August 14, 2001, MQCC Standards™ for "BLOCKCHAIN", Authentic Originating BITCOIN™ and "CRYPTO" are integrated with De Jure Standards Published by the International Organization for Standardization ISO 

International De Jure Standards Body:

Regional De Jure Standards Bodies - by select countries (this is not a complete list)



 European Union (EU)



 United Kingdom (UK)  

 United States of America (USA)


From at least as early as May 9, 2008, 2001, MQCC Standards™ for "BLOCKCHAIN", Authentic Originating BITCOIN™ and "CRYPTO" system subordinate systems for quality management are audited by members of:

MQCC Bungay™: What BlockChain Is; What BlockChain Does™

Read the original, encyclopedic textbook available at Google Play® textbooks


MQCC™ BlockChain For Lawyers™ is an expert service whose Top Management qualifies as a subject matter (unit of knowledge UOK expert) in accordance with both the 

MQCC™ BlockChain for Lawyers™ Author: Mr. Anoop Bungay; Bona Fides/Credentials

Excerpts from the authoritative encyclopedic reference: ORIGIN OF A SPECIE™; published at Google Play® Textbooks; Author Name: Anoop Bungay

The Author’s Bona Fides/Credentials: Who Am I

My name is Anoop Bungay, of Calgary, Alberta, Canada and you will discover that yours sincerely:

#1 - naturally discovered and coined the non-novel (exact) conformity science ( subordinate concept system, coined: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; as a result of seminal, primary scientific-method-based research, development, testing, commercialization and National and International registration to ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015, from at least as early as August 14, 2001, in order to develop the world's first Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow electronic finance system for the trade in "non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading financial securities, namely, the “cryptoloan” and “cryptomortgage”; commencing on April 9, 2005, at the internet domain name and operating as Canada's Private Lending Network®. Marketed globally pursuant to the Singapore Treaty, Nice Agreement, Madrid Protocol and World Intellectual Property Office protocols, under the international registered trademark brand name the BITMORTGAGE®. This occurred five (5) years before the experimental, alpha-state subordinate-network for payment transfer, a digital "cryptocurrency" network (generically marketed globally as 'bitcoin') was made available to the public on January 8, 2009.  

#2 - defined a new field of study named conformity science. Learn more, including the dictionary definition at

Creations Speak > Louder than Actions which Speak > Louder than Words™ 

#3 - Commercialized (created) and developed pending commercialization for intellectual property reasons or pending technology readiness (but most things are commercialized) - This list is found in Schedule A, however you may as well know now in order to understand what 19 years of the trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” body of knowledge created:

The MQCC™:  An organization of "Firsts", starting first with the Finance Sector, including:

 Proven BlockChain based Quality-in-Finance is limited and therefore at a premium.

You have not heard of a company like MQCC™ before, because it has not existed before.

Here to Serve You™

Expertise (Legal Standard) of Anoop Bungay

Pursuant to the legal standard of generally accepted rules of competence, and expert evidence, Anoop Bungay, the individual who first applied the "BlockChain" principles (commercially identified by the trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™”) to a peer-to-peer electronic financial system for unregulated or regulatory market-exempt (free-trading) securities, is considered an expert in the fields of:

This is not an exhaustive list.

While the primary research, developed since pre-2001 and present-day is not publically available, the commercial businesses borne of the primary research are going concerns and litigation tested. Namely:

UK Common Law Standard and UK Law Commission Recommended Standard

UK Common Law Standard

Excerpt from “Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in England and Wales” prepared by the Law Commission of UK[95]:

2.1 Four requirements relating to the admissibility of expert evidence in criminal proceedings have developed at common law, principally with reference to expert opinion evidence.

2.2 In this Part we first provide a summary of these requirements (“assistance”, “relevant expertise”, “impartiality” and “evidentiary reliability”) and then set out our view on whether they apply, and whether they should apply, to expert evidence of Fact.

In addition to the UK Common law standard, the UK Law Commission recommended additional standards, include three “tests” described in a draft bill entitled: “Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in England and Wales HC 829”[96].

United Kingdom (UK) Draft (unenacted) Bill: Recommended Standard by the UK Law Commission regarding: Expert Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in England and Wales HC 829


Of the three tests:

General UK Comment

3.6 We proposed that there should be a new admissibility requirement along the following lines[100]:

(1) The opinion evidence of an expert witness is admissible only if the court is satisfied that it is sufficiently reliable to be admitted.

(2) The opinion evidence of an expert witness is sufficiently reliable to be admitted if:–

(a) the evidence is predicated on sound principles, techniques and assumptions;

(b) those principles, techniques and assumptions have been properly applied to the facts of the case; and

(c) the evidence is supported by [that is, logically in keeping with] those principles, techniques and assumptions as applied to the facts of the case

Definition of “what is” Relevant Expertise

According to the Law Commission of UK, “Expert Evidence Report”[101] respecting the “relevant expertise” of a prospective expert: The individual claiming expertise must be an expert in the relevant field. This was described in the South Australian case of Bonython[102] as a requirement that the individual “has acquired by study or experience sufficient knowledge of the subject to render his [or her] opinion of value”[103], a description which has found favour in England and Wales.[104]

Further, the Law Commission of UK, “Expert Evidence Report”[105] states:

Generally speaking, it is the expertise itself which determines whether this admissibility requirement is satisfied, not the route by which the expert came to have it.[106]  A recent judicial comment suggests, moreover, that the threshold for demonstrating expertise is quite low.[107] Against those points, however, it should be noted: first, that the threshold cannot (we suggest) be any lower than a requirement of proof on the balance of probabilities; secondly, that amateurs are not qualified to give some types of expert evidence;[108]  and, thirdly, that explicit guidelines for determining expertise are now being formulated for certain scientific fields.[109]

In UK: Registration of the System which embodies the technology, services and products related to Anoop Bungay’s discovery and inventions, to ISO 9001:2001, ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2015: The Basis for Demonstrating “Evidentiary Reliability”

According to the Law Commission of UK, “Expert Evidence Report”[110] respecting “evidentiary reliability”:

The expert’s opinion evidence must in other respects satisfy a threshold of acceptable reliability.[111] The existence of a further common law admissibility requirement of some sort can be discerned from the cases where the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) has:

(1) held that the field of expertise must at least be “sufficiently well established to pass the ordinary tests of relevance and reliability;”[112]

(2) cited the admissibility test for expert opinion evidence in Bonython which has a reliability component, albeit one which has never been properly analysed in England and Wales; and

(3) suggested a particular type of reliability test.

USA Standard

Federal Rules of Evidence › ARTICLE VII. OPINIONS AND EXPERT TESTIMONY › Rule 702[113] [114]

Rule 702: Testimony by Expert Witnesses

 A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if:

1923 - The Frye standard (superseded by the Federal Rules of Evidence)[115]

Prior to the ruling by the US Supreme Court (In Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 509 U.S. 579 (1993)) the Frye standard for expert testimony was followed, and still applies in some US States.(FRYE v.UNITED STATES. 293 F. 1013 ( D.C.. Cir 1923))[116] [117]

The rule is that the opinions of experts or skilled witnesses are admissible in evidence in those cases in which the matter of inquiry is such that inexperienced persons are unlikely to prove capable of forming a correct judgment upon it, for the reason that the subject-matter so far partakes of a science, art, or trade as to require a previous habit or experience or study in it, in order to acquire a knowledge of it. When the question involved does not lie within the range of common experience or common knowledge, but requires special experience or special knowledge, then the opinions of witnesses skilled in that particular science, art, or trade to which the question relates are admissible in evidence.

Numerous cases are cited in support of this rule. Just when a scientific principle or discovery crosses the line between the experimental and demonstrable stages is difficult to define. Somewhere in this twilight zone the evidential force of the principle must be recognized, and while courts will go a long way in admitting expert testimony deduced from a well-recognized scientific principle or discovery, the thing from which the deduction is made must be sufficiently established to have gained general acceptance in the particular field in which it belongs.

1993 - Rule 702 Amendment:[118] The Daubert ruling (standard); Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.[119]

This is the standard used by a trial judge to assess whether an expert witness’s scientific testimony is based on scientifically valid reasoning that which can properly be applied to the facts at issue. This standard comes from the Supreme Court case, Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993)[120] and supersedes the Frye standard.

Under the Daubert standard, the factors that may be considered in determining whether the methodology is valid are:[121] 

The Daubert standard is the test currently used in the federal courts and some state courts.  In the federal court system, it replaced the Frye standard, which is still used in some states.[123]

The primary locus of this obligation is Rule 702 [governing expert testimony], which clearly contemplates some degree of regulation of the subjects and theories about which an expert may testify. "If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue" an expert "may testify thereto." The subject of an expert's testimony must be "scientific . . . knowledge." Footnote by Justice Blackmun regarding “technical, or other specialized knowledge."

Canada Standard

R. v. Mohan

In 1994, the Supreme Court of Canada, in R. v. Mohan, set out the following general criteria for the admissibility of expert opinion evidence:

1. The evidence is relevant to some issue in the case;

2. the evidence is necessary to assist the trier of fact;

3. the evidence does not violate an exclusionary rule; and

4. the witness is a properly qualified expert.[124]

A court must also weigh the benefits of the evidence against its potential costs (probative value versus prejudicial effect). An important factor in assessing the benefit of the evidence is its reliability, including:

It should be noted that, for “non-novel science”, evidence must be “necessary”, but for “novel” or “junk” science Mohan has established that the evidence must be “essential”.[125]

The main cost is the prospect of uncritical acceptance of the opinion by the trier of fact. Especially:

Anoop Bungay Prior Expert Analysis History


Anoop Bungay Primary Research: Comment regarding Validity and Reliability

An additional footnote re: Validity and Reliability in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993):

“We note that scientists typically distinguish between "validity" (does the principle support what it purports to show?) and "reliability" (does application of the principle produce consistent results?). See Black, A Unified Theory of Scientific Evidence, 56 Ford. L. Rev. 595, 599 (1988). Although "the difference between accuracy, validity, and reliability may be such that each is distinct from the other by no more than a hen's kick," Starrs, Frye v. United States Restructured and Revitalized: A Proposal to Amend Federal Evidence Rule 702, 26 Jurimetrics J. 249, 256 (1986), our reference here is to evidentiary reliability--that is, trustworthiness. Cf., e. g., Advisory Committee's Notes on Fed. Rule Evid. 602 (" `[T]he rule requiring that a witness who testifies to a fact which can be perceived by the senses must have had an opportunity to observe, and must have actually observed the fact' is a `most pervasive manifestation' of the common law insistence upon 'the most reliable sources of information.' " (citation omitted)); Advisory Committee's Notes on Art. VIII of the Rules of Evidence (hearsay exceptions will be recognized only "under circumstances supposed to furnish guarantees of trustworthiness"). In a case involving scientific evidence, evidentiary reliability will be based upon scientific validity”.[127]

Peer Review and Publication of Anoop Bungay’s Primary Research is Not Required

Pursuant to Footnote 59 of The Law Commission Consultation Paper No 190: “THE ADMISSIBILITY OF EXPERT EVIDENCE IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS IN ENGLAND AND WALES A New Approach to the Determination of Evidentiary Reliability A Consultation Paper”[128], published by the Law Commission of the United Kingdom,[129] Rule 702 and scientific evidence Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

509 U.S. 579 (1993), 593. Karl Popper’s view (see, eg, The Logic of Scientific Discovery, 4th ed, 1980) was that the scientific method is underpinned by a principle of falsifiability or refutability; that is to say, generating hypotheses and testing them by experimentation or observation to see whether they are false (for the problem of induction holds that propositions as to the workings of the universe inferred from experience cannot be proved to be true). If a given hypothesis does not stand up to experimental scrutiny it will be reworked into a new hypothesis which will again be tested, and so on, producing successively better approximations to “truth”.

A hypothesis which repeatedly withstands experimental scrutiny will be regarded as corroborated but not proven, and so come to be generally accepted by the relevant scientific community, perhaps achieving the grand status of a scientific “theory” or even a scientific “law”.

Excerpt from Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.[130]

60 509 US 579 (1993), 593 to 594. The Court’s view was that, while submission to the scrutiny of the relevant scientific community is a component of good science, because (amongst other things) it increases the likelihood that substantive flaws in methodology will be detected, publication is not to be regarded as a necessary requirement of admissibility. An innovative but nevertheless well-grounded theory may not have been published.

Extract from Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993)

Another pertinent consideration is whether the theory or technique has been subjected to peer review and publication. Publication (which is but one element of peer review) is not a sine qua non of admissibility; it does not necessarily correlate with reliability, see S. Jasanoff, The Fifth Branch: Science Advisors as Policymakers 61-76 (1990), and in some instances well-grounded but innovative theories will not have been published, see Horrobin, The Philosophical Basis of Peer Review and the Suppression of Innovation, 263 JAMA 1438 (1990). Some propositions, moreover, are too particular, too new, or of too limited interest to be published. But submission to the scrutiny of the scientific community is a component of "good science," in part because it increases the likelihood that substantive flaws in methodology will be detected.[131] See J. Ziman, Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration.[132]

A Global Misunderstanding is Not Surprising

This global misunderstanding is not surprising because the objects or phenomena conceptualized as ‘BlockChain’, distributed/decentralized ledger and related ideas are commonly understood to have emanated from a set of programmatically coded rules that appeared deus ex machina, out of nowhere, in the form of an executable, alpha-state, experimental software program written in the computer language of C++, to create “peer-to-peer electronic cash system” for the transfer of payments, in January 8, 2009[133]. And over the course of seven (7) years, slowly and recently, captured the attention of the world, most notably in 2017[134]. And because the nebulous history of the “peer-to-peer electronic cash system”, most people were afraid to go near it.

With this book, the “world” will learn that when this independently created[135] “peer-to-peer electronic cash system” appeared, it actually or ostensibly become nothing more than subordinate routine or a subsystem of a larger, pre-existing, commercially available, peer-to-peer electronic finance system-network[136], [137] which was over five (5) years old by January 8, 2009. Further, six (6) months earlier (on May 9, 2008), the pre-existing peer-to-peer electronic finance system-network quality management subsystem earned registration to the globally trusted and respected, rigorous National and International Quality Management System (QMS) standard of at least 119 countries, namely ISO 9001:2000[138]. The QMS was independently audited by members of two of the most prestigious organizations of their kind: the internationally respected and trusted International Accreditation Forum (IAF); and, the equally respected and trusted: American National Standards Institute (ANSI), ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) based in the United States[139].

Finally, the pre-existing, peer-to-peer electronic finance system-network is built on a combination of principles and rules that meet or exceed various recommended, endorsed or established requirements, guidelines and best practices by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), International Organization for Standardization (ISO)[140].


The purpose of this document is to introduce the “world” to the origins of the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; from at least as early as 2001 to present day (2019); and to show you how simple it is, how powerful it is, how stable it is and how comprehensive it must be, in order to effectively function.

Finally, the rules that created peer-to-peer electronic cash system, unlike the principles that create the peer-to-peer electronic finance system-network, are subject to change and already have changed. There are new forms of peer-to-peer electronic cash systems being created every day. What has not changed, are those things that are largely unknown: the “Principles” that created the world’s first peer-to-peer electronic finance system-network or correctly known as:

The world’s first system-network for trading in non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; transacted on a  Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow basis.

When it comes to the difference between rules and principles, the United States of America President Franklin Delano Roosevelt said it best during his Radio Address to the Young Democratic Club (and the youth of the Republican party[141]) of America on August 24, 1935:

Rules are not necessarily sacred; principles are[142].

Finally, while there are many reasons this book is being written today - and remember - MQCC and Bungay International Inc. have been commercially doing peer-to-peer finance for over 17 years; ask yourself, would you have paid attention 10 years ago? MQCC was around then. What about five (5) years ago? MQCC was around then. Now that some of you have made money, the majority of you have most likely lost money, take the time to find out what the principles underlying the non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" are; what they have done (created a frictionless system of trust (SOT™)); and what more they will do.

Don’t Worry: Journalists or Members of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Members of the International Science Council (ISC), Members of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and Members of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) also Unrecognized the Very Public Origins

A look through the articles registry in the Appendix of this book: MQCC™ Global Public BlockChain/Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Knowledge Register of Articles & Entities  (Responses) will show you that the mundane origins of “electronic peer-to-peer finance”, “blockchain”, “utility token”, “securities token” is largely unrecognized. The goods news with inventing the world’s first "BlockChain" principles (commercially identified by the trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™”)-based commercial business is that all claims are (among other things) traceable, verifiable and immutable.

Some notable misunderstandings:

because the ISO 9000 family of Quality Management System standards are adopted as National Standards in at least 119 countries, including, Canada, USA, Australia, UK, China, India, Russia, Finland, Peru, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Botswana, Malaysia, Fiji[153].

To start with it is not unreasonable to think that central bankers most likely do not follow the enforcement actions of other non-central bank financial regulators ie: the United States Securities and Exchange Commission SEC®; with this in mind, consider the following; in a December 2015 report entitled Financial System Review[168] authored in part, by the Governor and Deputy Governor. Regrettably and most likely unintentionally, even as late as 2015, there remained a global misunderstanding of the very private and free-trading origins[169] of non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow securities and related financial instruments; this misunderstanding is perfectly highlighted by the following two points:

The implication of this section of the book is clear; most world leaders, scientists, thinkers and business leaders have gotten this wrong; at the highest levels.  Do not worry if your current understanding of the world of “peer-to-peer finance”, Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™", “utility token”, “security token’”, “conformity token”, “distributed/decentralized ledger”, “system of trust”, “ISO 9000” is not consistent with historical evidence and is quickly becoming deconstructed; while the commercialized phenomena is over 14 years old, the “world” only started getting interested in earnest, less than (5) years ago. A person cannot become even a Medical Doctor in five (5) years; so there is lots of time to learn. This book is one step in a “global corrective action” that started years ago by yours sincerely, but no one paid attention. Another reason, among many, that this book is written.

The “World” is “Inefficiently Expending” Valuable Money and Precious Time on an Incorrect Understanding: Walk don’t Run 

“Inefficiently Expending” is polite term. Over a period of less than five (5) years[179], globally, hundreds of millions of dollars of government, sovereign, private company and retail investor wealth and valuable personal time is hastily expended because of a fear of missing out (‘fomo”) and an incorrect focus on “technology” not “principles”. And worse; because trusting members of Top Management[180] of organizations[181] (CEOs, Presidents, Boards of Directors), Major Shareholders, Shareholders and retail investors are being bombarded with investment opportunities, technology upgrade opportunities or innovation consulting from people who are either “self taught”[182], or have limited or no credentialed or practical experience in matters related to the subject matter of this book, including items listed in MQCC Table 1.

You are not Learning about Baking, Buying A Loaf of Bread or Investing in a Bakery: Not Wholly Visible

Have you ever seen a “BlockChain”? Have you ever touched a “binary digit securities token”? Have you ever seen all the places where a distributed ledger is actually located?

The subject matter of this book or First Edition authoritative encyclopedic reference, includes information on the origin of the discovery of “BlockChain” principles [non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"], “digital assets”, “utility tokens” and some of the items listed in MQCC Table 1. These items are  not visible to you; you cannot wholly “see”, “hold” or “touch” a “BlockChain” or related terminological items, in specie or in their real, precise, or actual form[183]. The implication is clear: if you cannot visualize an item or concept then you cannot, in a simple manner, determine if the item or concept conforms[184] to your requirements as a customer, shareholder, investor, regulator, public official, policymaker, or prospective party. So, what do you do? As a start, do what yours sincerely learned to do: ask lots of questions and then implement a process of precise measurement, testing and control protocols.

What are the right questions and the precise measurement, testing and control protocols? Well, this book is only meant as an introductory authoritative encyclopedic reference, not the "main textbook"; whose working title is: Theories, Principles, Protocols, Laws, Math and Litigation-Tested Applications of the non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"from August 14, 2001 to Present Day; which is not yet completed and will be much bigger than this book and will come one day (not sure when); nonetheless, the rest of the sections of this authoritative encyclopedic reference will give you an excellent idea; or, you can always contact MQCC and request a personal consultation - which is another reason for writing this book - to let you know MQCC is open for business to license its over 19 years of intellectual property, systems, technology, services and products.  

A Defense-Standard, Military-Grade Problem Demands a Defense-Standard, Military-Grade Solution

In the early 2000’s when setting up the system, it was quickly discovered that when it comes to non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; transacted on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow basis, Bungay International Inc. (BII) is dealing in Top Secret, classified information. Specifically, what is called today: Personally Identifiable Information (PII)[185]. This why international structures were created:

Image A: (next page)

Source MQCC Twitter Account (@mymortgagequote)

Visit to learn more about the international structures created.

And this is why there was a need to model best practice of organization and information command, control and quality (CCQ™) from the world’s best regulations and standards for command, control and quality, including but not limited to:

Learn from the Best: Seminal Experience Matters

How do you deal with concepts or innovations that are not wholly visible? Learn from the experts whom yours sincerely learned from: the United States Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration (GSA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). These three globally respected organizations collaborated to develop a nice terminology that best describes items that are not wholly visible, like the subject matter of this book, namely, the non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™"; and the Birth of Binary Digit, Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Securities and Related Financial instruments also known (because of the manner in which they are delivered) as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Securities and Related Financial Instruments; “Principles of ‘BlockChain’”-based, Regulatory-Integrated, Risk-Based Systems, Technology, Services and Products; including many of the items listed in MQCC Table 1; the terminology is:

If you are a public official, policy maker, regulator, member of an organization Top Management, shareholder, investor, business owner or retail investor and you want to purchase or invest in non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" related matter, then how do you really know what you are getting if:


People in leadership roles in the world do not have this precise, defense standard, military grade level of understanding because nobody, other than yours sincerely is talking like this. And why is that? Most likely because nobody, other than yours sincerely established the internationally accepted global standards and benchmark for trade related to non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™".

Internationally Accepted Global Standard and Benchmark for Consumer Expectations: MQCC is the de facto Global Standard

Why? Because yours sincerely:

to the International Quality Management System ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015[189].

A global corrective action must take place and this book is one step of the corrective action process. Note to the world: Stop wasting your time and money.

The good news is that the current state of common understanding (though more or less nonconforming) is less than a few years old (maybe 3) - see MQCC™ Global Public BlockChain/Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Knowledge Register of Articles & Entities in the Appendix, so it is not late to implement global corrective action.

Regulatory Missing Link: MQCC MOS™ (Meta-Operating System)

As explained to the Royal Society of UK on August 29, 2019[196];

While the origins of the non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" are rooted in non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading securities and related financial instruments; transacted on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow basis , because this business is non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading, Bungay International Inc. and MQCC needed to create its own:

For example:

From as early as August 14, 2001, yours sincerely, Bungay International Inc. and MQCC are currently or were previously, deemed to be regulated entities because some facets of Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow finance had regulatory obligations. The implication is clear: the Bungay International Inc. and MQCC System-Network™ needed to interoperate with regulatory systems; which it has done successfully for over 14 years.

This concept being described involved into a higher-order; trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™”-based, inherently technology-neutral, risk-based, regulatory-integrated, defense-standard, military-grade, command, control, quality (CCQ™[206]) operating system built on a knowledge kernel[207] (MOS™[208] Kernel) that itself, is built on the seminal “Principles of ‘BlockChain’”; and marketed to regulators and regulatees throughout the world under the trademark brand-class name MQCC MOS™[209] integrates with all lower-order, technology-specific operating systems (OS) and the hierarchy looks like this:

Regulating the Regulators: How the Trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” helped a Private Regulator Teach Public Regulators that “It Can Be Done”

On July 2019, the United States Department of Treasury, Office of Inspector General (OIG)[210] Council of Inspectors General on Financial Oversight[211] published a report entitled: Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Financial-Sector Regulatory Organizations (July 2019)[212] 

The purpose of the report was to:

The utility of non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™", in their commercially available form developed by MQCC, when properly understood and applied, empower regulatory organizations to manage challenges in a manner that is better, safer and more efficient; to paraphrase the words of the internationally respected Canadian Federal Crown Corporation: Standards Council of Canada (SCC)[213].

Remember, though a private entity, MQCC is itself actually or ostensibly a private regulatory body with self-regulating protocols to govern the  non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading facets of all transactions; and the applicable class of participants involved in each transactions:

For the benefit of reducing, mitigating or eliminating risk for:

In the July 2019 report, the Council of Inspectors General on Financial Oversight identified seven challenges facing the Financial-Sector Regulatory

Organizations including the below items with arrows. The list items with diamonds show the brand of the MQCC system, technology, service or product that addresses this need.  

The MQCC’s Suite™ of Trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain'™’’-based systems, technology, services and products are empirically proven to effectively tackle the problems. You could call the MQCC System a “regulatory operating system”, but it is better to call it a “regulator-regulatee operating system” - if anything.

By this moment, you should be getting the idea why this introductory book is over 300 pages; remember, over 19 years of history of a business and field of study (conformity science) never before seen, working together to serve the public. And from what you are gathering by now, Bungay International Inc. and MQCC commercialized the “ trademark Principles of ‘BlockChain'™" first and commercialized trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain'™” right.

The corollary is that the trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” (and the superordinate and subordinate concepts ie: distributed/decentralized ledge, utility token, securities token) did not first appear deus ex machina, out of nowhere, in the form of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system without thought, explanation or consideration; rather, the “Principles of ‘BlockChain’” (and the superordinate and subordinate concepts ie: distributed/decentralized ledger; utility token, securities token) were formed from research commencing as early as August 14, 2001 and commercialized least five (5) years earlier at a website registered October 10, 2003[216] and later at, a website registered on April 9, 2005[217]. And the reason that most people don’t know is because - something that the International Science Council ( assumed was just a potentiality[218] - the world’s first network for trust actually, successfully and sustainably, over the course of nearly 20 years, disintermediated the “world”.

The "main textbook" whose working title is: Theories, Principles, Protocols, Laws, Math and Litigation-Tested Applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science subordinate concept system: Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm also represented, generically, as "BlockChain" and commercially represented by the trademark source identifier: "Principles of 'BlockChain'™" from August 14, 2001 to Present Day is not yet completed and will be much bigger than this authoritative encyclopedic reference; but truth be told (pardon the pun) focus at the MQCC Head Office is licensing the MQCC Systems, Technology, Services and Products to its “highest and best use”, which means to Heads of States, governments, regulatory bodies, and the Top Management of regulated entities. And by now, you should be realizing why a practitioner in the subject matter of conformity science and the trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” requires at least four (4) years of formal training to achieve an undergraduate level of knowledge, and two (2) to four (4) more years of study for graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral research.

Banks, Regulators, Professional Liability Insurers, Credit Intermediaries, Investors and Investees have Benefitted from MQCC and it’s trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™”-Based System and the “Token Concept”: So Can You

Over the past 14 years and longer, banks, regulators, professional liability insurers, credit intermediaries, investors and investees have unknowingly or knowingly (the majority are unknowing), benefitted from the MQCC™ trademark “Principles of ‘BlockChain’™” based systems, technology, products and services as follows:

What is a “token”

ISO/IEC 2382:2015(en) published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)[219] indicates that the term and definition of token was standardized in 1992 within the document published as ISO /IEC 2382-25:1992[220]. The current standardized definition is:

Binary Digit Financial Information Delivered via Token System: What 19 Years of Experience Shows

Binary digit (electronic) financial information for a lending system comes in several classes based upon the type of lender[221]:

Representing several origination-classes of money/wealth[222]:

Utility Token (and types)

The first non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading, Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow binary digit utility token consisted of information representing loan application details (personally identifiable information PII) and was sent via email from Bungay International Inc. to an investor-lender at some point between August 14, 2001 and April 9, 2005. In most of the world, generally speaking, an organization must be licensed by a regulator to trade in loan applications where the loan is secured by real estate[223].  

Securities Token

The first non-bank, non-institutional, non-syndicated, non-regulated or regulatory exempt, free trading, Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow binary digit free trading securities token consisted of information representing the details of a signed, legal binding document accepting the terms of a financial debt (personally identifiable information PII) and was sent via email from Bungay International Inc. to an investor-lender at some point between August 14, 2001 and April 9, 2005. In most of the world, generally speaking, an organization must be licensed by a regulator to trade in loan applications where the loan is secured by real estate[224].  

MQCC markets its financial products globally under the trademark brand-class BIT BRAND™ financial services; and the binary digit loan system, technology, services and products for loans (secured, and unsecured) is marketed under the registered trademark brand name: BITMORTGAGE™/®.[225] 

Education Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Meets or Exceeds United States Department of Education DOE Quality Standard Requirements for Accreditation and Quality Assurance at both an "Institutional" level and "Specialized/Programmatic" level

Continuously Registered to the United States Federal Standard for Quality Management ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and the risk-based, ISO 9001:2015 

Read the seminal textbook; available at Amazon® and GOOGLE PLAY® Textbooks: Author: Anoop Bungay

Teaching Harvard: & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations

Learn more about the importance of Accreditation and Quality Assurance here


Visit and to learn more.

Celebrating over 21 Years of Discovery, Commercialization, Regulatory-Integration, National and International Standardization

2001 - 2021+

EYES OPEN™ trademark brand of Learning, Education, Training (LET) and Testing/Accreditation Program for members of the legal profession and judiciary.

An initiative of MQCC™: Money Quality Conformity Control Organization, incorporated in September 2006 as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: the World's First BlockChain Company™; the World's Most Trusted BlockChain Company™:; and Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals Network (COIN™) Global System-Network: The World's First and Most Trusted "Crypto" System-Network™; established at least as early as April 9, 2005 at 

There is a litigation-tested, regulatory-recognized, regulatory-scrutinized, commercialized, de facto standard and industry standard for standard for what constitutes the nature, quality, characteristics, function, purpose, form, and extent of "BlockChain"; here is where you learn it.

From its military-grade, defense-standard, central banking standards, developed between 2001 and 2005 and commercialized on April 9, 2005; and registered to United States and international equivalent National and International Standards in upto 118+ countries at least as early as May 9, 2008; learn how the concept system generically known as "BlockChain" was discovered, developed, commercialized, regulatory-integrated, National and Internationally-standardized and continually improved for the past 21 years from the First Observer and Creator, Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay.

A FATHER OF BLOCKCHAIN® and FATHER OF CRYPTO® registered trademark brand of educational services.

What Is A BlockChain?

Correct, Proper and Functional: Nature, Quality, Character/Characteristics, Extent, Feature, Function, Purpose


History of World-wide Disclosure

Read the Authoritative Encyclopedia History Textbook (Google Play® textbooks)