Teaching President™

President-to-President, CEO-to-CEO, Peer-to-Peer

A Standing Invitation from the President of MQCC® to the President of the United States of America (and Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of any organization of any size and for any scope of commerce (pan-industry)) in matters of commercial applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org)


(with some help from other nation-states)

A Standing Invitation to the Office of the President of the United States of America

RE: Executive Order 14067 of March 9, 2022; Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets

& to ALL of the Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of ANY Governing, Regulatory or Regulated Organization on Earth and MQCC® Metaverse™ brand Quality Managed Global Computer Network (QMGCN™)


Heads of States (Members of the United Nations General Assembly, UNGA); Top Management of Public Owned and Privately Held Organizations; Executive Management of Foundations, Charitable Organizations, Beneficial Organizations, Academic Organizations and any other Chief Executive Decision Maker (Investor; Family Office Head); 

The 117 Congress U.S. House Committee on Financial Services and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services

For over 21 years, since at least as early as August 14, 2001; and as least as early as April 9, 2005; and at least as early as May 9, 2008; during the tenure of the following United States Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Congresses: (Source: history.house.gov (https://history.house.gov/Institution/Presidents-Coinciding/Presidents-Coinciding/))

Number; President Name; Vice-President Name; Years of Service; Congresses

43. George W. Bush; Dick Cheney; Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 20, 2009; 107, 108, 109, 110, 111

44. Barack H. Obama; Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Jan. 20, 2009–Jan. 20, 2017; 111, 112, 113, 114, 115

45. Donald J. Trump; Michael Pence; Jan. 20, 2017–Jan. 20, 2021; 115, 116, 117

46. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Kamala D. Harris; Jan. 20, 2021–present; 117

Visit the MQCC® PRESIDING HISTORY™ website at www.presidinghistory.com to see correspondence from MQCC® to past Presidents, #43, #44 and $45.

the responsible commercial trading of federated (non-centralized) digital (electronic) assets (including digital debt (or digital liabilities) [DDA™]) and the obverse, non-digital (non-electronic) assets (including non-digital debt (or non-digital liabilities) [NDDA™]), exists, safely, securely, efficiently in a "positive-carbon", quality managed, commercialized quantum computing (CQC™; www.QuantumComputingIsHere.com) interconnected (global computer network) operating system environment, registered to the Federal (de jure) National Standard of the United States of America (American National Standard) [and international equivalent in over 118+ countries]; and is delivered on a global computer network (GCN™). Originally built (and fully commercialized on April 9, 2005 at www.privatelender.org) for Mr. A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, President of Bungay International Inc. (BII™) by his C++ computer programmer, elder brother, Mr. Santosh Kumar Bungay, for creation of a higher-level quality managed (ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and the risk based ISO 9001:2015) electronic and non-electronic operating system environment identified by government, industry, academia and consumers world-wide (and on the MQCC® brand METAVERSE™ quality managed system network) by the distinctive trademark source identifier brand name and world famous mark: BUNGAY LOGIC AND ORDER CONFORMITY KERNEL; CYBER/NON-CYBER HARMONIZED ARTIFICIAL/NON-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENT NETWORK: BLOCKCHAIN™, generically and descriptively known as a quality management system; see www.BlockChainForLawyers.org™.

It is within this higher-level quality managed (ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and the risk based ISO 9001:2015) electronic (digital) and non-electronic (non-digital) quality managed, commercialized quantum computing (CQC™) interconnected (global computer network) operating system environment that is incontestably known as the world's first and ONLY commercialized, military-grade, defense standard, regulatory-integrated, professional liability insured (continuously since 2006 by global risk insurers including: at least five (5) international Property & Casualty Insurance Companies regulated by various insurance regulatory bodies including  Canada's federal standard regulator: Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions OSFI ); "peer-to-peer electronic (and non-electronic) cash system" (a fungible and non-fungible utility (functional) system-network (FNFUSN™; FUN FUSION™); identified by government, industry, academia and consumers world-wide (and on the MQCC® brand METAVERSE™ quality managed system network) by the distinctive trademark source identifier brand name and world famous mark: BUNGAY INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY CONFORMITY OF ORGANIZATION AND INDIVIDUAL NETWORK: BITCOIN™, generically and descriptively known as a quality managed utility token system (QMUTS™); see www.bitcoin.eco™.

When secured by real property or a chattel asset, the resulting object becomes a "store of economic value" (STORECOV™; ECOVSTORE™) and when originated or traded in regulated or non-regulated commerce, the resulting object is identified by the generic, descriptive term: "securities token"; which is nothing more than a utility token integrated with economic value. When marketed by MQCC® (the organization that now manages the Bungay International Inc. intellectual property rights) or approved, quality managed licensees, real property or chattel asset integrated objects are identified by government, industry, academia and consumers world-wide (and on the MQCC® brand METAVERSE™ quality managed system network) by the distinctive trademark source identifier brand name and world famous mark: Bungay International Technology Mortgage™ and BITMORTGAGE®; see www.bitmortgage.com™.

As of 2022; the operating system that manages the mature, safe, reliable and good system-network is known by a distinctive trademark source identifier brand name, namely, METAVERSE OS™. This high level operating system goes beyond (meta) creation of digital assets and related goods and services; METAVERSE OS™ creates safe, reliable and good regulated and non-regulated organizations (corporations or individuals; COIN™) and is designed to maintain the highest levels of good quality for the goods and services that the organization (corporation or individual; COIN™) produces (goods/wares) or provides (services/processes). 

You may access the via a global computer network at the MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™ website at www.metaversepedia.info.

As a Chief Executive Officer, of a country, company or organization; if you desire to do "digital assets" correctly, properly and safely, then this is your standing invitation to learn from MQCC®; your primary source of trusted information.


Read: MQCC® November 29, 2022 letter to United States President, Joseph (Joe) R. Biden; RE:  Presidential Action: Executive Order 14067 of March 9, 2022, “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets”; US Treasury “Action Plan” submitted September 2022

Bungay-Biden-US Treasury--Peer-to-Peer--President-to-President -01-Dec-22.pdf

CEO's, Lawyers, Corporate Risk Insurers: AVOID THE DIGITAL ASBESTOS™ TRAP; be assured that your "digital asset" development process creates no harm.

The standard for safe, commercialized digital assets are over 15 years old and conform to the National Standard of USA for quality management.

Do Digital Assets Right; DDA RIGHT™

 Do Digital Assets Safe; DDA SAFE™

Proof of Invitation to the Current President

March 10, 2022

Proof of Invitation to the Current Office Holder of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, namely, The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President of the United States c/o the White Houses website. The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20500. Invitation sent on March 10, 2022 at 6:50 AM MST.

An Educational MESSAGE FROM THE METAVERSE™ to President Biden via twitter on March 10, 2022

Notice to Current & Past Presidents




A brief historic, educational note to former United States Presidents regarding commercialized applications of non-novel (exact) conformity science (www.conformity.org) and  21+ years (August 14, 2001 - April 14, 2022+) of discovery, development, commercialization, United States Federal National Standards-integration and continuous improvement of world famous marks, including trademark source identifier brand names:



Number; President Name; Years of Service

43. George W. Bush; Jan. 20, 2001–Jan. 20, 2009

44. Barack H. Obama; Jan. 20, 2009–Jan. 20, 2017

45. Donald J. Trump; Jan. 20, 2017–Jan. 20, 2021

46. Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Jan. 20, 2021–present

April 14, 2022

#43 President George W. Bush

The Honorable George W. Bush

P.O. Box 259000

Dallas TX 75225-9000

Telephone: (1) 214-890-9943

Email: info@georgewbushlibrary.com

#44 President Barack Obama

The Honorable Barack Obama

The Office of Barack and Michelle Obama

P.O. Box 91000, Washington, DC 20066

The Obama Presidential Center

Telephone: (1) 202-464-6903

Email: info@obama.org

#45 President Donald J. Trump

The Honorable Donald J. Trump

Contact details are available from the the website of the Office of Donald J. Trump.

Email: info@45office.com

#46 (current) President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500

Telephone: (1)-202-456-1414

Email: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Dear Messrs. Bush, Obama, Trump and President Biden,

My name is Anoop Bungay; Governor of MQCC Bungay International LLC, originating in Wyoming with foreign LLC registration and domicile in Washington, DC. While President Biden has received earlier notice, this educational communique is primarily for the benefit of providing a brief authoritative, historical and educational notice to former Presidents, namely, Messrs. Bush, Obama and Trump.

RE: Authoritative Information on Matters related to over 20 years (2021-2022+) of  Origination, Commercialization and Continuous Improvement of Applications of Non-novel (exact) Conformity Science and Creation of what is generically described as the World’s First Peer-to-Peer (private, crypto, secret, shadow) Electronic (and obverse (non-electronic)) Governance, Management and Operational (GMO™) System for the Trading in Fungible and non-Fungible (FNFT™) Cryptographically-secured (crypto) Data Objects (CRYPTDO™) of Economic/non-Economic (utility/functional) Value within a Technology Agnostic, Carbon-Reducing, Consensus United States (US) National Standards-based (and International equivalent in 118+ Countries), Quality Managed (ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and the risk-based, ISO 9001:2015)-Registered, Regulatory-Integrated, Property and Casualty, Professional Liability (Errors and Omissions) Insured, Litigation-Tested, Standard-Setting, Global Computer Network; commencing April 9, 2005 at Uniform Resource Locator: PrivateLender.org: Private Lending Network™  and distinctively identified by a family of world famous marks including the following trademark source identifier brand names:



Trademark source identifier brand of quality management system, products (goods/wares) and services (processes/methods)

Read the rest below.

Presiding History - 14-Apr-22

Invitation to Congress

"Invite to Congress"

MQCC® Message from the Metaverse™: to Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services

January 18, 2022

From Anoop Bungay to Maxine Waters

Original Message From the Metaverse™ in PDF Format

MQCC.org™_ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™ incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp. Mail - MQCC® Message from the Metaverse™_ to Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services (revised).pdf

Original Message From the Metaverse™ in Easy to Read Format

Anoop Bungay <anoop.bungay@mortgagequote.ca>

MQCC® Message from the Metaverse™: to Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Chair of the U.S. House Committee on Financial Services (revised)

1 message

Anoop Bungay <anoop.bungay@mortgagequote.ca>

Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 1:25 PM

To: FSCDems@mail.house.gov

U.S. House Committee on Financial Services

2129 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4247

Fax: (202) 225-6952

Dear Congresswoman Maxine Waters.

My name is Anoop Bungay; based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; with USA offices in Wyoming and Washington, DC.

(1) Please note, in my role as the world's leading expert; given that you will find that yours' sincerely first observed, discovered, formalized and commercialized 'crypto' and a 'peer-to-peer' finance' universe; and, created the world's first commercialized and regulatory-integrated application of a utility token and the world's first commercialized and regulatory-integrated application of a securities token and the world's first commercial and regulatory-integrated use of both fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens (FNFT™); and, created the commercialized metaverse (FORMAL METAVERSE™) system-network space and related standards (rules) at least as early as April 9, 2005; that your committee is welcome to email me any questions you might have on the "future of finance" (which occurred at least as early as April 9, 2005) and correct and proper applications of conformity science (www.conformity.org), which, you will discover, is the underlying science of commercialized goods and services described as:

(2) All of this began between at least as early as August 14, 2001 and was commercialized at least as early as April 9, 2005. At least as early as May 9, 2008, the MQCC® intellectual property was integrated with the United States NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology standards that effectively establish high standards to achieve consumer, government and industry safety, through implementation of consensus-standards based systems, technology, services (methods, processes) and goods (wares, products); namely, the American National Standard known as ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2008 [and subsequently: ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2008 and ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2015].

(3) I reached out to your congressional research office back in 2018 (TUESDAY, 23 OCTOBER 2018) [visit blog.mortgagequote.ca to learn about: MQCC offers suggestions to US Congressional Research Service respecting: a Peer-to-Peer Finance Ontology in relation to: Marketplace Lending: Fintech in Consumer and Small-Business Lending] and today, I officially reach out to you.

(4) The "world" has an incorrect, improper, non-evidence-based, mis-descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive understanding of the natural origins of "crypto" and an improper understanding of the originating science, namely, conformity science and related formalized, commercially proven and regulatory-audited and litigation tested, commercial applications. Indeed, it takes over 4 years for a Bachelor-standard of learning; 2 more years for a Master-standard of learning; 2-4 more years for a Doctorate-standard of learning; and, 4 or more years of working with MQCC® to earn a specialist designation standard of work experience. The MQCC® education process includes disclosure, training and testing on valuable processes, methods, practices, business practices and of course trade secrets (secrets that are, naturally, protected by law).

(5) Continuously, since at least as August 9, 2008, MQCC® adheres to the United States Government (Congress/Senate) and US Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration (GSA) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), recognized standards of quality when it comes to matters of a critical or complex nature, where higher-level contract quality requirements are demand; in accordance with the US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 48—Federal Acquisition Regulations System (Chapter 1 Subchapter G Part 46 Subpart 46.2 46.202-4).

(6) Since at least as 2010 (or earlier), MQCC® provided a singular point of trust and safety for hundreds of millions of Americans and billions of consumers (outside of USA), by leveraging the consumer protection resources of the US Department of Commerce and its agency, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) by registering various intellectual property objects (source identifiers) in order for consumers to quickly and easily --- on a prima facie or at-a-glance basis --- identify at a transparent, traceable, immutable, non-repudiable, immutable, verifiable and quality-managed level, the goods (products/wares) and services (methods/process) of MQCC® (MQCC Bungay International LLC) and related organizations (a term which includes Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™)), namely, MortgageQuote Canada Corp., Bungay International Inc. and Anoop Kumar Bungay (yours' sincerely).

(7) If you read anything, please first read the METAVERSEPEDIA™ (www.metaversepedia.info) website; then visit www.mqcc.org; and then, feel free to email me any questions you might have.  

(8) After you read www.metaversepedia.info and www.mqcc.org; please compare and contrast this information you learn from the other CEO's whom you have asked questions and draw your own conclusions. 

(9) Finally, please ask the heads of DOD, GSA, NASA, NIST, ANSI (a non-government organization), or any of the Professional Engineers® that you might know and ask them --- 'based on the fact that this fellow, Mr. Anoop Bungay, first observed the phenomena, developed  and formalized the science and created a peer-to-peer electronic finance system; then integrated the peer-to-peer finance system with ASQ/ANSI/ISO ISO 9001:2000 at an early stage; and proved that his system worked by audit from an IAF or ANAB (US Government recognized) independent auditor resulting in registration to ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2000 and subsequent registration to ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2008 and ASQ/ANSI/ISO 9001:2015' --- "WHO WOULD YOU TRUST?".

(10) Once you have a good understanding of the implications of this introduction, if you and your colleagues (the United States Government) might be interested in licensing MQCC® intellectual property and helping to continue the seminal work by yours' sincerely (with a little help from my elder brother, Santosh), then it will be good to chat with you. The opportunity to be the world leader and create millions --- yes millions -- of jobs throughout the USA (see www.metaversepedia.info to learn about metaverse industry and occupations) should not be overlooked; not to mention creation of a Conformity Science faculty at all Universities and Colleges (see www.metaversepedia.info to learn about how MQCC® Corporate University™ a primary source of scientific knowledge, has learning, education and training (LET) programs that meet or exceed quality standards envisioned by the United States Department of Education (DOE). While I have reached out to some of my leadership in Canada and some leaders in the United Kingdom (the country of my birth and Head of the Commonwealth, of which Canada is a member), after over 15 years of commercialization, no country (yet) has been keen to respond to me. Perhaps, to paraphrase the inscription on the US dollar, "e unum USA".

Sincerely yours,


Anoop Bungay

Calgary, Canada

Wyoming; Washington, DC, USA.


HERE TO SERVE YOU: WORTHY-OF-YOUR-TRUST QUALITY™. If you have questions, please contact me at your convenience. In order to prevent errors and omissions, email is the preferred choice of communication. 

Thank you for choosing MortgageQuote Canada Corp., 'Proud sponsor of the Canadian dream.'®

Sincerely yours,



A. K. (Anoop) Bungay,  B. Comm., C-PEM®-P


MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (mortgagequote.ca)

Financial services for whom time is worth more than money.™ 

Alberta (AB) * British Columbia (BC) * Ontario (ON)

ON Brokerage License #12279



"Proud Sponsor of the Canadian Dream"®

A finance sector process of MQCC™ Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization™, incorporated in September 2006 as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.: the World's First BlockChain Company™; the World's Most Trusted BlockChain Company™: www.mqcc.org; and Global Network Administrator (GNA™) of the Bungay International Technology (BIT™) Conformity of Organization and Individuals Network (COIN™) Global System-Network:  Managing The Metaverse™ www.metaversepedia.info; established at least as early as April 9, 2005 at www.privatelender.org.


An ISO 9001:2015 Registered Company



MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (mortgagequote.ca) is a member of the Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization MQCC™ network. MQCC™ (MQCC.org) is a global finance, conformity and education business providing client services worldwide directly or through its member firms and affiliates. This email may be confidential and protected by privilege on a legal basis. If you are not the intended recipient, disclosure, copying, distribution and use of the email matter including URL links and related attachments, are prohibited; please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and related attachments from your systems. Unsubscribe from Automatic MQCC Ai-CRM Emails). MQCC Legal Notices.

A Series of Messages for Worldwide (Global) Elected Officials, Policy Makers, Scholars, Scientist and Legal Professionals (Attorney, Barrister, Solicitor, Lawyer, Notary)


Notice to World-wide Regulated Lawyers/Attorneys/Barristers/Solicitors/Notary Public Professionals: Dear regulated professional within the legal industry sector (as defined by United Nations ISIC or North America (Canada/Mexico/USA NAICS) or international equivalent); you should be aware that at least as early as 2013 - (current year is 2022, so, over 11 years earlier) the MQCC® Suite™ of commercialized standards, systems, technology, services (methods, processes) and products (goods, wares) are litigation-tested by one or more members of the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR); of which members include the following leadership and regulatory organizations, domiciled on Earth; trusted to provide learning, education, training, testing, accreditation, regulation and practice management oversight for your and your fellow members of the legal professional:

For Regulated Lawyers/Attorneys/Barristers/Solicitors/Notary Public Professionals:

RE: Matters Regarding the International Conference of Legal Regulators (ICLR)

For United States of America (USA; U.S.) and International Legislators and Policy Makers 

(Elected Officials; Appointed Officials)

RE: Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016 and the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking

MQCC® understands the need for Evidence-Based Policymaking by legislators and policy makers in all countries around the world. For example, in the United States of America, the Evidence-Based Policymaking Commission Act of 2016 is the basis of introducing evidence as a formal basis for policy making.

At MQCC®, in the MQCC® commercialized metaverse (Formal Metaverse™), "The Promise of Evidence-Based Policymaking" becomes a reality for U.S. (and international equivalent) Legislators and Policy Makers.

MQCC® commercialized metaverse (Formal Metaverse™) is a quality management systems, risk-based, binary digit, virtual universe (BITVU™; BITVUNIVERSE™) which integrates with governance, management and operational (GMO™) processes of any organization (Corporation (for-profit), Organization (government) or Individual (entrepreneur) (COIN™)) and can help organizations identity non-conformity matters and implement necessary and sufficient corrective action through correct and proper applications of conformity science and subordinate concepts including quantum-unifications (BUNGAY UNIFICATION OF QUANTUM PROCESSES ALGORITHM (BUQPA™)). 

For example, in relation to the United States of America; MQCC® is able to help the US Government address matters and achieve goals found in these documents:

Federal Data Strategy 2021 Action Plan

(USA: 2021)

Legislators and Policymakers: Email the Founder of MQCC®, Mr. Anoop Bungay at info@mqcc.org to enroll in MQCC® Corporate University™ to learn first-hand, how the intellectual property (IP) developed to create a Governance, Management and Operations-based System-Network will help your country.

Or use the MQCC® METAVERSE LOGON™ APP at  www.metaverselogon.com

U.S. Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Financial-Sector Regulatory Organizations

(USA: 2019)

Legislators and Policymakers: Email the Founder of MQCC®, Mr. Anoop Bungay at info@mqcc.org to enroll in MQCC® Corporate University™ to learn first-hand, how the intellectual property (IP) developed to create a Governance, Management and Operations-based System-Network will help your country.

Or use the MQCC® METAVERSE LOGON™ APP at  www.metaverselogon.com

The Promise of Evidence-Based Policymaking

(USA: 2017)

Legislators and Policymakers: Email the Founder of MQCC®, Mr. Anoop Bungay at info@mqcc.org to enroll in MQCC® Corporate University™ to learn first-hand, how the intellectual property (IP) developed to create a Governance, Management and Operations-based System-Network will help your country.

Or use the MQCC® METAVERSE LOGON™ APP at  www.metaverselogon.com

Executive Order 14067 of March 9, 2022 Information about this document as published in the Federal Register.

Original Document: Executive Order 14067: Permalink

2022-05471-Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets.pdf


Invitation to 

Welcome MQCC® to the Official Metaverse™

The MQCC® commercialized metaverse (FORMAL METAVERSE™) commenced at least as early as April 9, 2005 and its purpose was for regulatory-integrated commercial purposes, namely, for finance sector commercial applications and specifically, for a peer-to-peer electronic finance system. Created by Santosh K. Bungay for his brother, A. K. (Anoop) Bungay, could freely and easily trade in non-bank (Peer-to-Peer (P2P) & Private Finance? It is correctly named: Non-Bank, Non-Institutional, Non-Syndicated, Non-Regulated or Regulatory Exempt, Free Trading Finance; also known as Peer-to-Peer (P2P)/Private/Crypto/Secret/Shadow Finance™) free-trading financial goods and services without getting into trouble by regulatory bodies.

Transform every valuable interaction in governance and commerce (industry) into a peer-to-peer interaction.
Peer-to-Peer Accountability through Peer-to-Peer Conformity creating Peer-toPeer Trust and Peer-to-Peer Results™

Harness the: 


Welcome, Student, Teacher, Researcher, Scientist, Elected Official, Appointed Official, Legislator (Congress, Senate, Parliament), Law Maker, Policy Maker, Lawyer, Member of the Judiciary (Judge, Court Officer), Regulator, Risk Manager, Risk Underwriter, Lexicographer (www.MetaverseDictionary.org), Historian, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Business person, Investor, Venture Capitalist, Consumer and member of the global general public.  With MQCC® "You're In the Metaverse Now™".

If you are employed or appointed or retained to:

then you are in the right place: METAVERSEPEDIA™

The Official Authentic Original™ (OAO™) 

Home to the Official Metaverse™

METAVERSEPEDIA™.info is a MQCC® BLOCKCHAIN™ quality management system non-fungible token (NFT) public record which educates the World-wide General Public on the distinction that distinguishes:

MQCC® Meta Quality Conformity Control Organization; the Interprofessional Committee for Pleioverse-Metaverse and National-International and MQCC Inter-Metaverse™ Institute of Origin and Quality™

What does MQCC® do?

MQCC®  acts on behalf of its intellectual property licensees to promote correct and proper Pleioverse-Metaverse concept system understanding in the following areas:

MQCC® FORMAL METAVERSE™ is Recognized by the MQCC® Intellectual Property Rights Office: Name and/or Acronym of Trademark Protection System or Scheme for Binary Digit (Virtual) Geographical Indication Appearing in Identification

What is the MQCC® Intellectual Property Rights Office?

The organization that documents and registers intellectual property that is used-in-commerce and intent-for-use-in-commerce projects (goods or services) for trade in the MQCC® Formal Metaverse™.

What is the Name and/or Acronym of Trademark Protection System or Scheme for Binary Digit (Virtual) Geographical Indication Appearing in Identification

Modeled after the United States Patent and Trademark Office for its pioneering work as a leader of intellectual property matters in the real-worldverse (natural world) within the jurisdiction of the United States of America (USA) and in over 100+ countries pursuant to international treaty, the MQCC® Name and/or Acronym of Trademark Protection System or Scheme for Binary Digit (Virtual) Geographical Indication Appearing in Identification system is:

A binary digit (bit) virtual universe (pleioverse-metaverse) equivalent of the geographical indication of origin (IOO) identifies goods as originating in a territory (plane or vector or coordinate or domain (ie: MQCC® Formal Metaverse™ uniform resource locator domain) within the binary digit (bit) virtual universe (pleioverse-metaverse), known for a given quality, reputation, or other characteristic associated with goods (products, wares) or services (processes or methods). 

In the real-worldverse or natural world, different countries, as well as governmental organizations such as the European Union, have different legal systems or schemes to protect geographical indications of origin. They also have different terminology that has significance in the relevant territories. The following are examples of acronyms and their full names used to designate a protection system or scheme in a particular territory:

Click here

The generically identified "commercialized metaverse" commercially identified as the MQCC® FORMAL METAVERSE™ built on formal rules for consumer protection and regulatory integration and National and International Federal, consensus standards of higher levels of quality  commenced use-in-commerce at least as early as April 9, 2005 at www.PrivateLender.org for a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Finance System and the world’s commercial use of conformity science-based applications including  “utility token”, “securities token”, fungible and non-fungible (NFT) tokens (FNFT™) by A. K. (ANoop) with some help in the early years, from elder brother, Santosh K. Bungay. Read ORIGIN OF A SPECIE™ textbook to learn more.

Academics, Scholars, Scientists, Researchers, Educators

MQCC® ACCREDITED CLASS™; Accredited and Non-Accredited Organizations

Welcome to the MQCC® Pleioverse Department of Education (DOE™)

(MQCC® Primary, Elementary, Middle, High, College, University, Research-Level Source of Learning, Education, Training, Testing, Accreditation and Registration (LETTAR™)

A Message from Anoop Bungay to Educators world-wide:

20+ Years of Applied Conformity Science and Quantum-Unification (August 14, 2001 - 2022+)

Dear fellow Educators; when the MQCC Bungay International™ "peer-to-peer electronic finance" was first commercialized at least as early as April 9, 2005; the application of conformity science and the subordinate concept system known as quantum-unification not only enabled yours sincerely to bypass the traditional banking and regulatory systems by removing the 'middleman', the process of commercialization "direct from natural phenomena and observation, hypothesis development, hypothesis testing, development, commercialization, Federal National and International consensus standards enabled the bypassing of traditional (20th century) academic processes.

The process of "direct-to-commercialization" and "international-standards-integration" practically and effectively made the process of academic peer-review moot.

If you desire to learn about the observations, discoveries and application of Anoop Bungay, start at www.mqcc.org or start here, at METAVERSEPEDIA™ (www.metaversepedia.info).


MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™ is an initiative of MQCC® Corporate University: the METAVERSE OPEN UNIVERSITY™ (MQCCU™ or MQUCC™)

An unrecognized accrediting agency should be viewed with caution until its reputation can be determined.  (Source)

MQCC® DETERMINED REPUTATION; After 15 years of continuous registration to the United States Federal quality management system standard  ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015, MQCC® can claim posses a determined reputation and this reputation is 'GOOD'. As such, MQCC® markets its education goods and services under the ACCREDITED CLASS® trademark source identifier brand name.

So, now that MQCC® is here on the world scene, there are now 3 types of organizations in matters of Education (using the United States Department of Education as a basis:

Accredited Institutions (Source: USA Department of Education)

Accredited institutions have agreed to have their institution and its programs reviewed to determine the quality of education and training being provided. If an institution is accredited by a recognized agency, its teachers, coursework, and facilities, equipment, and supplies are reviewed on a routine basis to ensure students receive a quality education and get what they pay for. Attending an accredited institution is often a requirement for employment and can be helpful later on if you want to transfer academic credits to another institution.

Unaccredited institutions (Source: USA Department of Education)

Unaccredited institutions are not reviewed against a set of standards to determine the quality of their education and training. This does not necessarily mean that an unaccredited institution is of poor quality, but earning a degree from an unaccredited institution may create problems for students. Some employers, institutions, and licensing boards only recognize degrees earned from institutions accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. With this in mind, it is recommended that students check with other institutions regarding the transfer of credit policy to determine if that institution would accept the degree and/or credits earned from any institution they plan to enroll in.

MQCC® Accredited Class® organizations (Source: AccreditedClass.org)

Organizations are reviewed against a set of standards to determine the quality of their organization from end-to-end including education and training of members of their organizations, namely, employees or apprentices, or trainees or students. The organizations' quality management system must be based on MQCC® Standards which themselves, are integrated with all three National and International Standards -- trusted in over 118+ countries -- for quality management, namely, ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2005. The MQCC® Standards are an integrated super-standard (ISS™) comprised of the best of aspects or required standards of ISO 9001:2000; ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2005; carefully curated over 13 years of continuous registration by MQCC®. An MQCC® Accredited Class® organization may or may not be audited by a 3rd party Accredited auditor, including MQCC® or approved licensees.

One implication of discovery and formalization of conformity science and the subordinate concept systems including the Bungay Unification of Quantum Processes Algorithm (BUQPA™) and application thereof in a commercial form, including:

Is that Anoop Bungay, Founder of Bungay International Inc. (BII) and MQCC® not only by-passed the:

Anoop Bungay, Founder of Bungay International Inc. (BII) and MQCC® also by-passed the:

did NOT require going through the traditional academic channels of Accredited or Non-Accredited institutions, colleges, universities, and programs providing organizations.

Finally; the PROOF of SUCCESS (proof of work; proof of accomplishment; proof of quality; proof of safety) was established through commercialization.

Read the following textbook to learn more about the Academic aspect of Anoop Bungay's work:

MQCC® Anoop Bungay "Teaching Harvard" Textbook

Bungay, Anoop. (2019). Teaching Harvard & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations World-Wide: True "Principles of 'BlockChain'"™Calgary, Alberta: MQCC™ Money Quality Conformity Control Organization incorporated as MortgageQuote Canada Corp.

Teaching Harvard: & All Higher-Level, Accredited/Accredited Class®, Regulated, Vocational, Academic, Research, Development (HARVARD) Class Organizations

Available at AMAZON® books and GOOGLE PLAY®; Author: Anoop Bungay

NOTICE to USA (AMERICAN) schools and institutions TOP MANAGEMENT seeking Federal Program Participation including Federal Student Financial Aid: 

Goal of Accreditation:

The goal of accreditation is to ensure that institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality.  Accreditation in the United States involves non-governmental entities (accrediting organizations) as well as federal and state government agencies (these three entities are formally known as the Triad). Accreditation's quality assurance function is one of the three main elements of oversight governing the Higher Education Act's (HEA's) federal student aid programs. In order for students to receive federal student aid from the U.S. Department of Education (Department) for postsecondary study, the institution must be accredited by a "nationally recognized" accrediting agency.

Role of Accrediting Agencies

Accrediting agencies, which are private educational associations that develop evaluation criteria and conduct peer evaluations to assess whether or not those criteria are met. Institutions and/or programs that request an accreditor's evaluation and that meet an accreditor's criteria are then "accredited".

Function of Accrediting Agencies

Some Important Functions of Accreditation (Source)

a) Assess the quality of academic programs at institutions of higher education

b) Create a culture of continuous improvement of academic quality at colleges and universities and stimulate a general raising of standards among educational institutions

c) Involve faculty and staff comprehensively in institutional evaluation and planning

Primary Accrediting Activities 

Some primary activities of MQCC® as an accreditor (recognized or non-recognized); modeled from the USA Department of Education  (Source)

Standards: The agency, in collaboration with educational institutions and/or programs, establishes standards.

Self-study: The institution or program seeking accreditation prepares an in-depth self-evaluation report that measures its performance against the standards established by the agency.

On-site evaluation: A team of peers selected by the agency reviews the institution or program on-site to determine first-hand if the applicant meets the established standards.

Decision and publication: Upon being satisfied that the applicant meets its standards, the accrediting agency grants accreditation or pre-accreditation status and lists the institution or program in an official publication with other similarly accredited or pre-accredited institutions or programs.

Monitoring: An accrediting agency monitors each accredited institution or program throughout the period of accreditation granted to verify that it continues to meet the accreditor's standards.

Reevaluation: The agency periodically reevaluates each institution or program that it lists to ascertain whether continuation of its accredited or pre-accredited status is warranted.

Types of Accreditation

There are two basic types of educational accreditation, one referred to as (Source)

<> "institutional" and the other referred to as "specialized" or

<> "programmatic."

Institutional accreditation applies to an entire institution, indicating that each of an institution's parts is contributing to the achievement of the institution's objectives.

Specialized or programmatic accreditation normally applies to programs, departments, or schools that are parts of an institution. The accredited unit may be as large as a college or school within a university or as small as a curriculum within a discipline. Most of the specialized or programmatic agencies review units within an institution of higher education that is accredited by an institutional accrediting agency. However, certain agencies also accredit professional schools and other specialized or vocational institutions of higher education that are freestanding in their operations. Thus, a "specialized" or "programmatic" agency may also function in the capacity of an "institutional" agency. Some of these "institutions" are found within non-educational settings, such as hospitals.

 Accrediting Agencies Recognition Process

An accrediting agency (IE: MQCC®) or state approval agency seeking recognition from the Secretary of Education (Secretary) must meet the Department's regulatory criteria for the recognition of accrediting agencies and state approval agencies and must have a Federal Link (HEA or non-HEA). Only agencies recognized by the Secretary can provide the gate-keeping function to allow institutions they accredit to participate in the federal student aid programs under the HEA.  Accrediting agencies that accredit only educational programs located in institutions of higher education apply for recognition for non-HEA purposes.  The recognition process involves reviews by the Department's Accreditation Group (AG) staff and the National Advisor Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI). Both the (AG staff and NACIQI recommendations are submitted to the Senior Department Official designated by the Secretary who makes the decision regarding recognition. (Source)

The Accreditation Group (AG)

The Accreditation Group has been established within the Department of Education to deal with accreditation matters. Located in the Office of Postsecondary Education, the Group carries out the following major functions with respect to accreditation:

<> Continuously reviews standards, policies, procedures, and issues in the area of the Department's accreditation responsibilities.

<> Administers the process by which accrediting agencies and state approval agencies secure initial and renewed recognition by the Secretary.

<> Serves as the Department's liaison with accrediting agencies and state approval agencies.

<> Consults with institutions, associations, state agencies, other federal agencies, and Congress regarding accreditation.

<> Interprets and disseminates policy relative to accreditation issues for the Department.

<> Conducts appropriate research and investigates complaints against recognized accrediting agencies and state approval agencies.

<> Interacts with the NACIQI during the recognition process. Also provides limited administrative support to NACIQI members.

<> Works directly with the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation. Also provides administrative support to NCFMEA members. AG staff reviews the medical education standards used in foreign countries for comparability with the medical education standards used to accredit medical school in the US.

<> AG staff reviews applications (6) foreign veterinary accrediting agencies to determine if their accreditation standards are acceptable.

<> AG staff also periodically reviews military degree programs in accordance with Federal degree granting authority regulation

Chief Executive Officers are welcome to email info@mqcc.org to learn more about working with MQCC®, accreditation and development of curriculum and programs for educators and students; access to federal programs including student financial aid.

MQCC® Discover for Free, Enroll to Learn™

Educators, Message 2:

As the late Mr. (Dr., Professor) Einstein said: "the answers have changed". Anoop Bungay says: Innovative Non-Novel (exact) new-world (conformity science-based, quantum unified) solutions to old-world problems (that were historically solved through the application of classical methods, principles, concepts or core processes (non-conformity science-based, non-quantum unified) are based upon the Anoop Bungay 21st Century Scientific Method™.
Please read the textbook for educators world-wide.

The 21st Century Scientific Method: Triangle to Triangle Pyramid to Solid Square Pyramid: A Stronger Scientific Method using Trademark "Principles of 'BlockChain'™": ... Series (School Children & CEOs)

Available at AMAZON® books and GOOGLE PLAY®; Author: Anoop Bungay

 MQCC® Metaverse™ Apprenticeship (Trade Secrets) and Education Programs

For Accredited, Non-Accredited, MQCC® Accredited Class™ Corporations, Organizations and Individuals (COIN™) world-wide, including: local, regional, national and international:

and for:

 MQCC® Metaverse™ Apprenticeship (Trade Secrets) and Education Programs help you learn about the Pleioverse-Metaverse subject matter and related occupations.

Benefits for Educators

Benefits for Students

Prior Learning Assessment

In the province of Alberta, where MQCC® commenced operations; the Alberta Government website (TradeSecrets.alberta.ca) state that a Prior Learning Assessment establishes entrance requirements or advanced standing in an apprenticeship based on:

MQCC® The World's Leader in Pleioverse-Metaverse Education

With MQCC®; billions of people have a central trustworthy source to:

Financial Assistance

You may be eligible for financial assistance during MQCC® technical training.

Learn more from MQCC®

To learn more about:

Please visit [edu.mqcc.orgwww.mqUcc.org; www.mqucc.com] or email info@mqcc.org

Welcome to the MQCC® Pleioverse Department of Education (DOE™)

Basic Pleioverse Concepts & Visual Representations

pleioverse (including metaverse) elementary or primary theory

pleioverse (including metaverse) advanced theory

pleioverse (including metaverse) metaverse poiesis and praxis

MQCC® METAVERSEPEDIA™: www.metaversepedia.info

2001 - 2022+:  21+ Years of Applied Conformity Science (www.conformity.org) Pleioverse & Commercialized Metaverse

(Theory versus Poiesis & Praxis: The Originating Body of Knowledge OBOK™)


The Pleioverse, where the Metaverse lives.™

METAVERSE: Your 21st CENTURY SCIENTIFIC METHOD STANDARDpleioverse-subordinate Commercialized & Governance universe; a real-world-integrated, binary digit virtual universe (BITVIRTUALUNIVERSE™) -- and obverse -- where promises are AI-programmed to be made and promises are AI-programmed to be kept™.

At a Peer-to-Peer, Peer-to-Pool, Pool-to-Peer and Pool-to-Pool relationship basis, between:

(1) Governments

(2) Organizations (corporate, non-corporate, public, private, for-profit, not-for-profit, beneficial, charitable, foundation)

(2) People

For the delivery of goods and services including the following METAVERSE STANDARD INDUSTRIAL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (METASICS™) of All Economic Activities, Used-in-Commerce or Proposed for Use-in-Commerce, industry classes and related classification code (METASIC CODE™);

The evolution of promisemaking™: The tripartite Promise of Government, Regulators and Industry to you, the world's consumers, to provide you with high quality solutions in a sustainable manner.

Original framework developed by a plurality of international organizations within the MQCC® MICROVERSE UNIVERSE STRATUM™. Sources include: Canada/Mexico/USA North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada 2017 Version 3.0 (Stats Canada version); additional reference from: ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities  ISIC Rev.3.1 - United Nations Statistics Division; including the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC®) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code Structure (Source: www.census.gov).


MQCC® Metaverse Lexicography and Metaverse Dictionary 

MQCC® and Merriam Webster Dictionary; Collins Dictionary; Oxford Dictionary; Cambridge Dictionary: 

MQCC®: Lexicographic Authority through Commercial Use-in-Commerce™

 Metaverse Lexicography 

  Metaverse Dictionary 

 Metaverse Thesaurus 

 Metaverse Thesauri 

The MQCC® KNOWLEDGEVERSE™ family of education services: Know your Official Authentic Original™ OAO™ sources for primary-source Knowledge:

Officially start your pleioverse knowledge journey at the metaverse level: METAVERSEPEDIA™


OAO™ Original Authentic Official™ source identifier trademark brand, ACCREDITED CLASS® learning, education, training, testing, accreditation and registration (LETTAR™) Professional Series™ knowledge service.

METAVERSEPEDIA™ Your authoritative source of theory and praxis knowledge; trusted world-wide by professionals; LETTAR™ brand educational services include: 

All education is borne of practical application (praxis) of original source observation, discovery, development, documentation (theory), commercial application, International and Federal National standards integration and continuous improvement; since at least as early as April 9, 2005. Marking the creation of the world's first commercialized "peer-to-peer electronic financial system" and the application of BITCOIN™ trademark brand utility token and BITMORTGAGE® trademark brand securities token and the BLOCKCHAIN™ trademark source identifier brand of artificial intelligence (AI) quality management system service (AIQMSS™); found at the uniform resource locator: www.privatelender.org developed by A. K. (Anoop) Bungay with seminal programming completed by elder brother, Santosh Bungay [Thank you 'Santosh!'].







Live Real - Work Virtual - Think Meta - Exist Pleio™

An Initiative of MQCC®; YOUR MOM (Maker of Metaverse)™

Part of the MQCC® family of the following trademark source identifier goods or services:

Father of METAVERSE™


Father of BITCOIN™

Father of CRYPTO®

Father of Conformity Science™

Father of Quantum Unification™

Father of Systems Level - Systems Learning AI™ (Artificial Intelligence)

Questions? Ask YOUR MOM™ (Maker of Metaverse)™


The Concept System of Metaverse: Quotation

"The concept system known as metaverse is a function of applied conformity science and its subordinate concept system, quantum unification."

-- Mr. Anoop Bungay, Founder of MQCC Bungay International LLC.



Global Top Management & CEO's

Correct and Proper BlockChain Programs Start at the Top: the CEO BLOCKCHAIN™ (www.CEOBlockChain.com™)

CEOBLOCKCHAIN.com: Home of the CEO Wallet™ (www.CEO-Wallet.com / www.ceowallet.org);


Globally, a Correct and Proper BlockChain Programs Starts at the top with Chief Executive Officers CEO and Top Management. Top Management is a term defined by the International Standards Organization ISO.

Visit www.mqcc.org to learn more.