Accredited Class® Standard

Accredited Class is a registered trademark of Bungay International Inc. and the standard for qualification is defined as follows:

Accredited Class ® : /əˈkreditid/ kl


Trademark Standard

  1. a federally registered trademark of Bungay International Inc., which identifies a person or entity in the business of "Brokering, Lending and securities services for mortgage and non-mortgage investments".
  2. the entity is neither a "financial intermediary" nor deemed an "institution", especially: Bank, Credit Union, Pension/Trust Fund, Mortgage Investment Corporation or otherwise directly regulated by a federal body, namely: a Securities/Investment Commission, Financial Institutions/Services Authority or Federal Reserve Board.
  3. the person or entity must have sufficient net worth as determined by direct interview (see below).
  4. the person or entity is represented by legal counsel.
  5. the person or entity transacts in mortgage and non-mortgage investment opportunities that are originated by companies whose business and management processes are certified to a recognized, international standard of quality management. Namely, those companies that have earned an ISO 9001:2015 (or equivalent) - Quality Management System certification.

Net Worth Interview Questions

Accredited Class® investors are asked the following questions, respecting their net worth:

Are you able to answer affirmative and provide proof to one of the below statements?

You are:

1. A person or entity, other than an individual, who has net assets of at least $5 million as reflected in its most recently-prepared financial statements and is able to provide written confirmation of this.

2. An individual who, alone or together with his or her spouse, has net assets of at least $5 million and who provides written confirmation of this.

3. An individual who, alone or together with his or her spouse, beneficially owns financial assets (being cash, securities within the meaning of the Securities Act (of the country in which you are deemed a permanent resident), the cash surrender value of a life insurance contract, a deposit or evidence of a deposit) that have an aggregate realizable value that, before taxes but net of any related liabilities, exceeds $1 million and who provides written confirmation of this.

4. An individual whose net income before taxes in each of the two most recent years exceeded $200,000 or whose net income before taxes in each of those years combined with that of his or her spouse in each of those years exceeded $300,000, who has a reasonable expectation of exceeding the same net income or combined net income, as the case may be, in the current year and who provides written confirmation of this.

The highest level of individual investor-lender is the Accredited-Class® investor-lender.