5.1 Register of PEMI® Chartered Peer-to-Peer & Private Equity Mortgage Professionals (C-PEM®-P)

QualitySafeTM & QualitySecureTM

Designations & Certification

A professional designation in the mortgage industry.

The C-PEM® corporate designation of the Private Equity Mortgage Institute PEMI®, is the toughest designation to earn in the mortgage industry; requiring both academic rigor and professional experience.

C-PEM®-P designated brokers and companies operate in systems that have both certified quality management systems and Sarbanes-Oxley level of internal controls. All C-PEM®-designated brokers must have errors and insurance policies designed for brokers whose business volume of real estate secured private equity finance transactions is greater than 55% of total business. Learn more 


Certified Quality Management System & Sarbanes-Oxley Level of Internal Control

Organization Name

Scope of PEMI®-Certification

Lender (C-PEM®-L), Broker (C-PEM®-B)

PEMI® Member or Fellow Name

 Certification Logo


ISO 2001:2015

MortgageQuote Canada Corp. (Ontario, Canada License #12279)

Anoop Bungay, Broker, (C-PEM®-P)

All Organizations are licensed to offer to the EASYOUTTM: Non-Judicial Mortgage Enforcement Program

Classes of PEMI® Certification & Charters

Learn more about the strength of PEMI®-Certification & Charters: