The Market & Price of Money: Canada & the World

Post date: Apr 22, 2014 2:12:51 PM


Money is called the lifeblood of commerce. Money makes the world go around. Money makes dreams come true. Everything costs money. All of these phrases describe the import of money (currency) in our world. Without currency, society does not function. People normally obtain money through employment in society but sometimes, people need access to more money than their employers can give them. This demand for money may be caused by a person's need to pay for a new vehicle, a new roof on their house, legal fees due to being charged for a crime, medical bills resulting from an injury accident, gambling debts, repairs to a property, a vacation, bail to help an incarcerated family or friend leave jail, university or college education, a school trip for kids....any thing; the person may simply need something and needs money to obtain that something.

When a person has not accumulated money due to savings, then the person would need to access money from other sources.

When you borrow money, it is priced according to it's quality (how certain the funds are, in terms of delivery), applicant risk and other parameters.This report looks at various industry segments that provide consumers with a source of money and compares and contrasts the availability of supply, average cost and relative position within the spectrum of available sources. Geographic coverage includes Canada, UK, Australia and USA.

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