Mortgage Borrower Private Advocates MBPA

Ask yourself:

Are you a mortgage borrower that feels like you have no other options and needs a second opinion?

Is your current lender refusing to renew your mortgage and you don't understand why?

Do you feel that your mortgage broker failed to represent you, or failed to fully explain to you the nature of his or her relationship with you?

Do you feel that you were not disclosed all aspects of your mortgage file and because of this, you now find yourself in a bad situation?

Did your mortgage broker fail to provide you with a necessary and sufficient duty of care ?

Did your mortgage broker put you into a wrong mortgage for your situation, or, put you into a short term mortgage knowing full well (or reasonably, should have known) that you would not be able to repay the mortgage at maturity?

Are you at a stage where you may be placed into foreclosure?

Do you feel that you may have been treated unfairly, negligently or worse?

If you said yes to any of the above questions, then you may have been subject to a predatory broker, lender, banker and need the help of a Mortgage Borrower Private Advocate MBPA.

Your Mortgage Borrower Private Advocate MBPA will do the following:

1 - review your mortgage origination file

2 - undertake a retro-active underwriting assessment of your mortgage application, at the time you originally applied for your mortgage.

3 - determine the following:

3.1 - if your mortgage broker was licensed to trade at the time you originated your mortgage

3.2 - if your mortgage broker provided you with the regulatory disclosures in terms of client services, fees and related matters

3.2 - if your mortgage broker acted in accordance with the nature of service you were contracted to (your agent, lender's agent, intermediary)

3.3 - if your mortgage broker was reasonable in the way they managed your transaction and if the solution they provided you was in reasonable (or the best option for you). This is important. If your mortgage broker was acting as your agent, then your solution was required to be the very best that you could have obtained. If your broker was not acting as your agent, then they could provide you with any solution, regardless of how good it was for you.

3.4 - if your broker provided you with the full information that you needed to make an informed choice.

4 - what we CANNOT do is:

4.1 - evaluate hearsay; if it's not in writing, then it cannot be proven.

4.2 - evaluate undisclosed recorded conversations; depending on your jurisdiction, if you don't notify to the other party that you are recording a conversation, then it is not legitimate evidence.

4.3 - audit the personal or business records of your mortgage broker, without a court order.

4.4 - provide you with legal advice

5 - what we do:

5.1 - provide you with mortgage origination advice

5.2 - work with you to obtain your originating mortgage brokers complete mortgage file and evaluate it's contents.

5.3 - evaluate all correspondence between you and your originating mortgage broker

5.4 - provide recommendations, suggestions, introduction to legal counsel for potential errors and omissions claims, and expert witness services.

5.5 - determine if your originating mortgage broker adhered strictly to it's regulatory requirements

5.6 - determine if unreasonable errors and omissions were made

5.7 - work with you to report your originating mortgage broker to the appropriate mortgage broker licensing authority

5.8 - we act for you, not your originating broker. If your broker is a Certified Private Mortgage Professional, then we act as a neutral, fact finding party only.

In the event of a successful professional liability claim against your originating mortgage broker, our fees may be covered by your mortgage broker's errors and omissions insurance policy.

Costs -

Level 1 Review - Retain Mortgage Borrower Private Advocates MBPA as your transaction assessor. Give us whatever information you were provided by your originating broker (documents, emails between you and your originating broker), plus a written narrative summary explaining the facts as you see them. After review, we will publish a report of our findings called a "Post Assessment - Level 1 Findings Report" which will establish a cursory third-party understanding of your situation and summary of our initial findings. In over 85% of incidences of originating broker negligence, we determine grounds for a valid claim based solely on the information available during a Level 1 Review. - $650.00 USD.

Level 2 Originator File Audit - Retain Mortgage Borrower Private Advocates MBPA as your borrower advocate and we will reach out to your originating broker to obtain your mortgage origination file and start a detailed evaluation in accordance with our Private Mortgage Institute's Mortgage Originator File Audit Process. After review, we will publish a report of our findings called a "Post Assessment - Level 2 Findings Report" which will establish a detailed third-party understanding of what your originating mortgage broker officially documented on file and provided to the regulatory authorities for audit purposes and what your originating mortgage broker provided you for transaction purposes. A Level 2 Originator File Audit will establish whether or not a claim of negligence may be appropriate. $2750.00 USD.

Level 3 Engagement - Retain Mortgage Borrower Private Advocates MBPA as your borrower advocate for purposes of working with your originating mortgage broker to obtain a pre-court settlement. If not, use all information on file, including attempts to attain a pre-court settlement, to draft, plan and formalize an errors and omissions claim pursuant to a professional liability lawsuit. We will work with you to obtain legal counsel, assist legal counsel in preparation of your legal case, provide expert witness testimony. $450.00 USD/per hour; billed in 15 minute increments.

Email us at info[at] to learn more.

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