Borrower Be Aware

In accordance with the PEMI® Be Wary, Be WarnedTM Trust Statement, Borrower Be AwareTM is a program designed to give all stakeholders: members of the public, Institute members and related parties; but most importantly, consumers who are engaged in a private equity mortgage transaction, assurance that they are participants in a transaction on the following basis:

█ Non-Predatory

█ Statutory, Regulatory and Process Compliant through Certified Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015)

█ Professional

█ Disclosure

█ MQCC BlockChain Based

i) Non-Predatory: All PEMI®-Certified private equity mortgage transactions adhere to the Institute's No-Predatory Lending (NPL) policy.

We seek to avoid transactions with Predatory Brokers, Lenders and Related Parties; and have established business process protocols to ensure all private equity mortgage transactions are non-predatory in nature. Learn more

ii) Professional: All PEMI®-Certified transactions must be marketed by:

Companies who are licensed by a government regulatory body, to trade in mortgage financing transactions as a "broker"; and,

Employees or Agents who are licensed by a government regulatory body, to trade in mortgage financing transactions as an "agent or sub-broker" (or related term).


A PEMI®-Certified Private Equity Mortgage Broker C-PEM®-P, Private Equity Mortgage Professional C-PEM®-P, or other PEMI®-Certified Private Equity Mortgage Professional C-PEM®-P. Learn more

iii) Statutory, Regulatory and Process Compliant through Certified Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015): All terms and conditions are prepared in an environment that is statutory, regulatory and process compliant, effected through a certified integrated risk-based Quality Management System, namely, ISO 9001:2015.

iv) Statutory, Regulatory and Process Conformity through Certified BlockChain Quality Management Systems (ISO 9001:2015): All business systems enivronments/ecosystems for all PEMI® professionals are function on the MQCC BlockChain platform.The world's first and most trusted "BlockChain" principles organization.

v) Disclosure: Disclosure of financial aspects of the transaction must be contained in writing. If you have any questions, it is your responsibility to ask because PEMI®-Certified professionals typically act for the investor-lender not for the applicant or borrower.