Perl and Modules

Install the latest version of Perl if you are unable to install Perl modules using the existing Perl installed in HPC. Else you can just install the modules in your home directory.

Installing Perl

The process is similar to Configure-Make-MakeInstall as described in the section above. The version of perl can be different so change the download link and version accordingly.


tar -xzf perl-5.18.2.tar.gz

cd perl-5.18.2

./Configure -des -Dprefix=$HOME/<perl-directory>


make test

make install

(Note: It is a capital C in Configure)

Add the following lines in your .bashrc  file as mentioned in the section above.



Installing Perl Module

Even if using the system perl, $PERL5LIB needs to be managed to reflect these local modules

Method 1: Configure CPAN

Modules may installed in your home directory tree to extend the local perl install capabilities. We have found the following modifications to be useful. Be sure to update/export the $PERL5LIB environment variable to reflect the installed location of these modules.

The key is establishing the PREFIX value in the .cpan configuration file. The first time that you use cpan on the cluster, it creates the ~/.cpan/CPAN  directory, and that's all that lines 2 and 3 above accomplish. If you've already used cpan, and have ~/.cpan in your /home, then install the modules via cpan should work fine without any elevated privileges.

Summary of commands:

export PERL5OPT="-I${HOME}/.usr/local/perl/lib/perl5 -I${HOME}/.usr/local/perl/lib/perl5/site_perl"

cpan # enter yes at auto config prompt

exit # exit cpan shell

vi .cpan/CPAN/ # edit line 'makepl_arg' => q[] to 'makepl_arg' => q[PREFIX=~/.usr/local/perl],


install JSON # Enter "y" at the warning

Configuration details are found in ~/.cpan/CPAN/

When this file is first generated, it holds paths consistent with the active shell environment. When building local modules, it's important to update the configuration file to reflect the version of perl to be used with the local modules.  Manual edits of ../ or updates from within cpan will work:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

cpan>  o config makepl_arg=/home/<caseid>/.usr/local/perl

Method 2: Specify Install Prefix to

On Rider/Markov, there is no explicit perl module. A perl more recent than the OS is available as part of the base module. If using the 'base' version of perl, then:

module load base

else confirm that you are using the system perl:

[hpc4 ~]$ which perl


[hpc4 ~]$ perl -v

  This is perl 5, version 16, subversion 3 (v5.16.3) built for x86_64-linux-  thread-multi

  (with 40 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)

Install the Perl module:

Call the CPAN with a right version of perl

perl<version> -MCPAN -e shell

Install the required module

>install <Module>[::<SUBMODULE]

For an example, to install the Statistics moudle, Multtest, it is install Statistics::Multtest. 

If the installation does not go through, install the modules manually as showed:

perl<version> Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME/<perl-directory>; make;  make test; make install

If the tests are failing and need to force install

>force install <Module>[::<SUBMODULE]

Method 3: Use Cpan Minus

wget -O- | perl - -l ~/perl5 App::cpanminus local::lib 

eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib` 

echo 'eval `perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib`' >> ~/.bash_profile 

echo 'export MANPATH=$HOME/perl5/man:$MANPATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

Install modules

cpanm Module::Name