
Jupyter is a very useful web browser IDE for Python that is base on notebook format, similar to Mathematica or R markdown. Jupyter can be spawned on the compute node and the webpage can be accessed from the user through the SSH tunnel. Jupyter is a Python package, so the execution would require a Python module load, what we suggest is python/3.6.6 as that one has more complete packages, including tensorflow.

There are three ways to get it running.

This is the first method: Cluster graphics

Here's the step-by-step instruction of the first method on windows using putty:

Accessing jupyter notebook:

# access command line: windows + R, cmd

ssh -X <CaseID>@markov.cwru.edu

srun --pty bash

module swap intel gcc

module load python/3.7.0

jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip=$(hostname -i) --port=9999

# open another command line: windows + R, cmd

ssh -N -L 9999:<ip-address>:9999 <CaseID>@markov.case.edu  # port forwarding

# enter password (will not update with any lines)

# access new internet window and enter


# enter token number from first cmd

Note: SSH port forwarding is a mechanism in SSH for tunneling application ports from the client machine to the server machine, or vice versa. 

SSH port forwarding command "ssh -L ..." opens a connection to the markov.case.edu jump server, and forwards any connection to port 9999 on the local machine to port 9999 on <ip-address>.

This is the second method: X2go Desktop

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