Scratch Spaces

Scratch Spaces

Scratch spaces are spaces for your temporary jobs files. The files and directories will be removed after 14 days from their creation. 

You can choose between the provided variables $PFSDIR (/scratch/pbsjobs) and $TMPDIR (/tmp) to run your jobs.

srun --pty /bin/bash



/scratch/pbsjobs/job.<JOBID>.hpc /tmp/job.<JOBID>.hpc

Besides /scratch/pbsjobs, we also provide the project workspace /scratch/users, which is offered to Member only.




There is a quota of 1TB in place for the /scratch/pbsjobs space. So, you may want to remove the temporary files in scratch space immediately at the end of your job script using:
rm -rf $PFSDIR/*


Member has 1TB group quota limit, and may request additional quota by contacting us.
Guest has a nominal 10GB group quota limit, and cannot request for any additional allocation.

Managing Scratch Space

Updating Scratch Files

The scratch directory files (e.g. foo.tar.gz) if untarred/unzipped needs to have -m option to update the files so that they do not get deleted after another 14 days.

tar -zxvfm foo.tar.gz

Removing scratch space manually

rm -rf /scratch/pbsjobs/job.<jobID>.hpc

Removing folders under scratch belonging to a user

find /scratch/pbsjobs -maxdepth 1 -type d -user <CaseID> -delete

find /scratch/pbsjobs -maxdepth 1 -type d -user <CaseID> -exec rm -r {} \;

other flags for 'find' exist, including '-mtime', which allows to select directories by age in days.

Removing Scratch Files Immediately

It is very easy to Delete the /scratch job files before the job is completed, just add the following to the end of the job scripts

rm -rf "$PFSDIR"/*

Scratch Usage

pan_df -hP /scratch/* # currently not showing correct result; check quotapan


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

panfs://   19T 9.1T 9.2T 50% /scratch/pbsjobs

panfs://  9.1T 1.3T 7.9T 15% /scratch/users