FAQ: Modules

Q: I cannot find a particular module.

A: There are many ways of finding the module you need. If you cannot see your module in the list, it might be in a different hierarchy. 

Use the module spider command module spider <application_name> to find more information about the module. 

If after using the command, the module does not appear, please check if it is in the List of Libraries and Software in Base. If you still cannot find it, then it probably means that it is not installed.  In this case, contact the system administrators at hpc-supportATcase.edu

Q: I cannot load a module - something about missing dependency.

A: Some of the modules are built under a specific hierarchy and the dependency module would need to be loaded first. A typical module that would need to be initialized is the gcc module, instead of the intel module. A quick way to change this setup is by loading the gcc module.

module load gcc

Q: Module spider/avail is throwing error

/usr/local/bin/lua: /usr/local/lmod/lmod/libexec/MRC.lua:310: attempt to index local 't' (a nil value)

stack traceback:

        /usr/local/lmod/lmod/libexec/MRC.lua:310: in function 'import'

A (option 1): You can ignore the lmod cache directory using "--ignore-cache" flag

module --ignore-cache spider

A (Option 2): Remove the user lmod cache directory (details at https://lmod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/125_personal_spider_cache.html#user-spider-cache-label)

rm -rf  ~/.lmod.d/.cache