Job Scheduling

Job Scheduling

Important Tips:

Avoid Running Jobs on the Login Nodes

Please DO NOT use the login-node (e.g. hpc1 or hpc2)  for running your jobs. Always use the "sbatch" command to run your jobs. If you are using interactive job submission -- running graphics (e.g. MATLAB), scripts, and other STDIO -- use the command "srun --x11 --pty bash" which assigns you a compute node. Jobs running on the login-node will be killed. If you have already run your job, cancel it using command "kill <PID>". You can get PID by running command "top" at login-node. For killing all processes use:

kill -9 `ps -ef | grep <caseID> | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

Job Locations

Node Partitions