Job Scheduling
Job Submission Essentials
This section is meant to communicate the bare minimum knowledge required to submit jobs to the cluster in an informed way. Jobs are submitted to the cluster either interactively using salloc, or in batch mode (non-interactively) using sbatch, You should review the sections HPC Batch and Interactive Jobs, the documentation for sbatch and salloc, or reach out the HPC staff if you need help determining how best to proceed.
Interactive Job with salloc
The salloc command requests a resource allocation from the controller in real time and it returns when the resources have been allocated. To request an interactive job on 1 node with 10 CPUs and 50GB of memory, the command would like like the following:
salloc -c 10 --mem=50g srun --pty /bin/bash
Note that the srun command that is included makes use of the resources by launching a bash shell on the allocated compute node as soon as the resources become available.
Batch Job with sbatch
The sbatch command requests resources and runs a bash script when those resource become available. You can run multiple sbatch commands to "queue" jobs and they will wait until resource are available to run. This makes them a very efficient option for working as you will not need to wait online for the resources. The same as above, requesting 10 CPUs and 50GB of memory would be done by authoring a job file, e.g.
#SBATCH -c 10
#SBATCH --mem=50g
# commands here, e.g.:
sleep 10
Note that the resource request options have been moved into the job script and appear in the "#SBATCH" lines. Then the job is submitted with sbatch:
Resource Options for salloc and sbatch
Job Scheduling
Important Tips:
Avoid Running Jobs on the Login Nodes
Please DO NOT use the login-node (e.g. hpc1 or hpc2) for running your jobs. Always use the "sbatch" command to run your jobs. If you are using interactive job submission -- running graphics (e.g. MATLAB), scripts, and other STDIO -- use the command "srun --x11 --pty bash" which assigns you a compute node. Jobs running on the login-node will be killed. If you have already run your job, cancel it using command "kill <PID>". You can get PID by running command "top" at login-node. For killing all processes use:
kill -9 `ps -ef | grep <caseID> | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
Job Locations
Running the jobs regularly is done on the scratch space ($PFSDIR), instead of your home directory. The home directory is limited by the group storage quota, which can cause jobs to stop prematurely when running out of space. If the jobs also require high Input/Output processes, your home directory access might be impacted.
Each group has storage quota limits. To find more information about storage limits and disk usage please refer to Storage & Quota.
On GPU nodes , we provide fast SSD drives for scratch space. On Rider cluster, use $TMPDIR for gpu2v100, gpu4v100 and gpu2080 nodes. On Markov cluster, use /mnt/fs1 as the scratch space.
If your job creates a large number of output files, or you have a case where the number of files in a directory is huge, please follow the Panasas Storage Guideline for Huge Directory.
Node Partitions
We have batch, smp, and gpu queues or node partitions.
Additional node features (with "-C") can be included in the job request to classify the nodes requested further.
See the HPC Resource View for which nodes belong to each partition and features.