
The command seff provides statistics related to the efficiency of resource usage by the completed job.


seff <jobid>


Job ID: 7959288

Cluster: smaster2

User/Group: mrd20/ccm4

State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)

Nodes: 2

Cores per node: 6

CPU Utilized: 08:04:12

CPU Efficiency: 98.22% of 08:13:00 core-walltime

Memory Utilized: 5.42 GB (estimated maximum)

Memory Efficiency: 45.13% of 12.00 GB (1.00 GB/core)

While the command may be applied to running jobs, the statistics may be misleading.

Usage in slurm script, as the last line of the script file, to have summary statistics appended to the slurm output file:


Check the resource efficient of multiple jobs:

for i in `sacct -u pxt120 -X -S <MMDDYY> -n|cut -d' ' -f1`;do seff $i;done