Data Transfer

Data transfer servers

Case has configured an alternate route for research data to be transferred with off-campus servers. This is known as our Science DMZ, and data routed here is not subject to packet-level inspection. At this time, only certain servers located within the KSL data center have access to the Science DMZ. 

Research Dedicated Storage transfer to/from '/scratch'

The RDS servers are not mounted to compute nodes. Data from RDS servers needs copied to /scratch or another active mount point for use in computations.  To do so programmatically, in a Slurm script, may be accomplished as follows: 

# Create temporary scratch space
mkdir /scratch/users/<CaseID> 

# Copy data from RDS to /scratch. Suggested nodes to use when copying from/to RDS: dtn[1-3], hpctransfer
ssh dtn2 "cp -r /mnt/rds/<rds name>/<folder1> /scratch/users/<CaseID>" 

# Copy data from /scratch back to RDS
ssh dtn2 "cp -r /scratch/users/<CaseID>/<folder1> /mnt/rds/<rds name>/."

Transfer Options

To see more information and examples of the tools utilization below, please go to the Transferring Files @ HPC page.

Parallel Transfers

Windows-based Transfer Tools

Mac-based Transfer Tools

Linux-based Transfer Tools

Transfer from/to Cloud Storage