FAQ: Resources

This FAQ page answers your queries regarding the resources you are looking for your job to run.

What kind of processors the HPC nodes have?

All HPC nodes have Intel Xeon Processors (x86_64). x86_64 indicates Intel Xeon 64 bit platform; architecture based on Intel 8086 CPU. Also, refer to Computational Resources site.

How many compute nodes (processors) are there on the cluster, how fast are they, how much memory do they have, and in which queue they belong to?

Refer to Computational Resources site. Also, visit HPC Resource View site to get resource information at a glance.

What operating system runs on the cluster?

Visit HPC Resource View. Also, refer to Computational Resources site.

Do I need to worry about my Quota and File Counts?

Please take the necessary measure to avoid the storage lockup when the group storage is at the hard quota level. Also, limit the number of files in a directory. For more information, visit the site storage.

What is the scratch space and what is its policy?

Scratch spaces are temporary spaces for your temporary jobs files. There are two environmental variables used in PBS script to define the scratch spaces. Refer to Available Storage for detail information on scratch space.

How do I check resources available to me as a member/guest? 

Please click on the link: Access Policy. 

Is file sharing among members of a research group possible on the cluster?

Yes. The login node of the cluster runs a version of the Linux operating system and the usual Linux owner/group/world file protection scheme can be used to protect and/or share files. Refer to Sharing Files @HPC site.

I have been getting emails regarding quota warnings, what should I do?

The storage system gives a soft quota warning when you get closer to hard quota. You can not run your job when you hit the hard limit. So, the group members need to manage their storage or need to buy more storage. For detail information, visit the site storage.

How do I manage my files in HPC?

Visit the site storage. If you are graduating from Case, please remember to copy your files in HPC into your PC by following the instructions at Transferring Files as you may not have VPN access after you graduate. Contact Case Help Desk for details.

Is HPC resource available 24/7 ? Is there any scheduled shutdown?

HPC goes through scheduled maintenance quarterly, generally on Apr, Jul, Oct, and Jan. You will be notified at least 14 days ahead of the maintenance  day. You can check the remaining walltime for your job by running "remaining" command as showed.


output (e.g.):

237 hrs 6 minutes