Submitting Jobs

Submitting Jobs

We use SLURM as our scheduler. Please refer to HPC Guide to SLURM for more information about it.

There are two types of Job Submission Types:

Batch Jobs 

The recommended way to submit a job to the cluster is by submitting a job script to the scheduler using "sbatch" command. You would need to prepare the job script, the necessary input files, as well as the executable, if it is not available yet on the cluster. But, once you submit the jobs, you can leave it running on the cluster. You do not have to sit and watch it unfold as the jobs will run to completion all by themselves. You just need to come back to check if the jobs are completed and then you can proceed with the next steps on how to evaluate and analyze the results.

Submit job scripts through the batch scheduler,

Interactive Jobs

There are times when you need to debug the jobs, or when you need a graphical interface to set up the inputs to the script, or to visualize the data and make sure that everything is proper and correct. For such jobs, you need to run them interactively using "srun" command. You can then open up the graphical interface of the application or browse the application outputs to verify that everything is as expected.

Submit an interactive session so you have full control and visual of your job.

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