Gurobi Optimizer

The Gurobi Optimizer is a commercial mathematical program solver for LP, QP and MIP problems[1]. The HPC hosts an instance of the Gurobi Optimizer with a floating academic license for 4,096 concurrent users.

Gurobi Module

The Gurobi Optimizer is not compiler specific. It can be loaded under any branch as:

module load gurobi

You can test the loaded module and view how many licenses are available using the Gurobi command line:

gurobi_cl --tokens

This should output something similar to the following:

Checking status of Gurobi token server 'hpc8'...

Token server functioning normally.

Maximum allowed uses: 4096, current: 0

Python Integration

Gurobi provides a python integration package called gurobipy which has been installed system wide for python/3.7.0.   To install a 'user module' for another version of Python, see Installing Local Python Modules  

Example programs that utilize qurobipy directly are available under /usr/local/gurobi/9.0.3/examples/python

In addition, the convex optimization package CVXPY integrates with Gurobi by specifying Gurobi as the solver. A simple example:

import cvxpy as cp

# Create two scalar optimization variables.

x = cp.Variable()

y = cp.Variable()

# Create two constraints.

constraints = [x + y == 1,

               x - y >= 1]

# Form objective.

obj = cp.Minimize((x - y)**2)

# Form and solve problem.

prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)


print("status:", prob.status)

print("optimal value", prob.value)

print("optimal var", x.value, y.value)

