

cisTEM [1] is user-friendly software to process cryo-EM images of macromolecular complexes and obtain high-resolution 3D reconstructions from them. It was developed by Tim Grant, Alexis Rohou and Nikolaus Grigorieff and comprises a number of tools to process image data including movies, micrographs and stacks of single-particle images, implementing a complete “pipeline” of processing steps to obtain high-resolution single-particle reconstructions.

Installed Versions

All the available versions of cisTEM for use can be viewed by issuing the following commands. This applies for other applications as well.

module avail cistem


----------------------------------------------- /usr/local/share/modulefiles --------


The default module can be loaded as:

module load cistem

The other versions of cisTEM can be loaded as:

module load cistem/<version>

Running cisTEM in HPC

Note: Since the movie/image in .mrc format can be in GigaBytes (GB) or TeraBytes (TB), the sample example here uses the temporary /scratch space as the working directory to run the job. The /scratch space is valid only for 14 days and provides 1TB of storage (see HPC Storage & Quota).

Create a directory (e.g. your caseID) at /scratch/pbsjobs/ and cd to it

mkdir /scratch/pbsjobs/<caseID>

cd /scratch/pbsjobs/<caseID>

Download the  apoferritin test dataset (consists of bunch of movie files in .mrc format) from [2] and  transfer it to your working directory

or copy the exisitng apoferritin_data.tar.gz file from /usr/local/doc/CISTEM to current directory.

cp /usr/local/doc/CISTEM /apoferritin_data.tar.gz .

Untar the zipped file

tar -xzvf apoferritin_data.tar.gz

Request more than one processors up to 25 in a node monitoring the performance scale-up. In this example 8 processors, 10gb of RAM and 2 hours of time are requested. Please refer to HPC resource view for details. Using --exclusive flag, you can reserve the whole node (all CPUs and memory).

srun -c 8 --mem=10gb --time=02:00:00  --pty bash

Load cisTEM module

module load cistem 


cisTEM &

It will open the GUI. Follow the tutorials at:

Tutorial [3]:

For better GUI experience, please follow the guide at HPC visual access

Monitor the multiple CPUs being used using top command



20395 <caseID>    20   0  549208 342004   3052 S  52.3  0.7   0:03.45 unblur

20391 <caseID>   20   0  550504 342024   3048 S  45.4  0.7   0:03.33 unblur



[1] cisTEM Home

[2] Apoferritin Data Set

[3] cisTEM Tutorial