

Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers.

Installed Versions

To know which versions of Meld are installed in the HPC cluster use

module spider meld



  meld: meld/3.18.0



      Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers.

     Other possible modules matches:


    This module can be loaded directly: module load meld/3.18.0


  To find other possible module matches do:

      module -r spider '.*meld.*'

Loading the Module

Since this module is a Core module, it can be loaded directly (see the output above). Spider gives us the command:

module load meld/3.18.0

We can check the module loaded by running

module list


Currently Loaded Modules:

  1) intel/17   2) openmpi/2.0.1   3) StdEnv   4) base/8.0   5) meld/3.18.0

Using Meld

Since Meld requires GUI, we recommend using one of the software in our HPC visual access (for example, X2Go) to obtain the best performance.

Once you are located on the head node with GUI, then request an interactive session on a compute node:

srun --x11 --pty /bin/bash

NOTE: Depending on your use of Meld, you might want to allocate more memory than what is given by the default command above. We refer to the Interactive Job Session documentation if you need extra resources.

Then we load the Meld module:

module load meld

and we can execute Meld with the command:


You should obtain a window like the one in the picture: