

Perl 5 [1] is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language with over 27 years of development. Perl 5 runs on over 100 platforms from portables to mainframes and is suitable for both rapid prototyping and large scale development projects.

Installed Versions

For Rider and Markov, perl is available as part of the operating system. A more recent version is available through the 'base' module. There is not a dedicated perl module at this time.

[hpc4 ~]$ which perl

/usr/bin/perl   # path to system perl

[hpc4 ~]$ module load base

[hpc4 ~]$ which perl

/usr/local/base/8.0/bin/perl  # path to base module perl

Running Perl in HPC

Interactive Job

Request a compute node

srun --pty bash

Command Prompt:

perl -del

DB<1> print "hello world"

hello world

DB<2> q

Command Line:

Check if GD Module is installed. If not available, it will throw "Can't locate <module>.pm in @INC ..."

perl -e "use GD"

Run the perl script:

create a file "" with a following content:

print("Greeting is Hello, world\n");




Greeting is Hello, world

Installing Local Perl Modules

There are a few methods for installing Perl modules to your home directory and we have documented them under the software installation guide for Perl and Modules.

Local Perl Installation

If substantial additional packages are required, a full Perl installation may be performed to the local directory, following the software installation guide for Perl and Modules.


[1] Perl Home

[2] CPAN configuration