The Visualization Toolkit (VTK)[1] is an open-source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization.


Example: NOVCA-Visualization [2] - NOVCA-Example

The execuatable "CreateGraph", which by complining using cmake, is executed to get the unstructured VTK file "testVertex.vtu" which is fed to ParaView to get the graph similar to "graphCXX.png".

CWRU HPC Specific Guide


Request a compute node with x-forwarding. You can use Ondemand Interactive Desktop. For detailed information, check HPC GUI Visual Access 

srun --x11 --pty bash #You can use Ondemand Interactive Desktop

Load the module VTK:

module load VTK

Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/sxg125/NOVCA-Visualization

Go to NOVCA-Visualization directory:

cd NOVCA-Visualization

Checkout the VTKCxx branch:

git checkout VTKCxx

Compile the Code:

module load CMake

mkdir buid

cd build

cmake ..


Run the Executable:


You will get the "testVertex.vtu" file which needs to be fed to the ParaView. Open the file in ParaView, apply glyph and get the one similar to graph "graphCXX.png" at [2].


Request a compute node:

srun --x11 --pty bash

Load the required modules including the VTK:

module load python

module load vtk

Clone the Repository:

git clone https://github.com/sxg125/NOVCA-Visualization

Go to NOVCA-Visualization directory:

cd NOVCA-Visualization

Run the script:


You will get the "testVertex.vtu" file which needs to be fed to the ParaView. Open the file in ParaView, apply glyph and get the one similar to graph "graphCXX.png" at [2].

Refer to HPC Guide to Visualization, HPC Guide to Molecular Visualization & HPC Software Guide for more information.


[1] VTK Home

[2] NOVCA-Example