Lmod Module Commands

Loading Modules

Important Notes:

If you want to use a particular module, you need to load it.

module load module_name


module load matlab

One can also specify the version of the module

module load matlab/R2016b

Unloading Modules

If you no longer want to use a module, you can unload it.

module unload module_name


module unload matlab

Switch Compilers

If you want to switch from Intel compilers to GNU compilers

module swap intel gcc

Or from GNU to Intel

module swap gcc intel

List of Loaded Modules

module list

List of Modules available to the current hierarchy

To check the list of available modules that can be loaded directly for the current hierarchy as well as default modules, and already loaded modules, use

module avail

The lists are cached, and updated daily. One can use

module --ignore-cache avail

to create a new list ignoring the current one.

List of Modules Installed

To list all available modules in the cluster use

module spider

To show information of a particular module use

module spider module_name


module spider cmake

To show extra information about a particular module as well as how to load it, one should specify the version.


module spider cmake/3.8.2

Questions ?

Contact us at hpc-supportATcase.edu
