

Singularity /Apptainer ( )simplifies the creation and execution of containers, ensuring software components are encapsulated for portability and reproducibility.

Important Notes

Running Singularity in HPC

Request a compute node 

srun --pty bash

Load the Singularity module:

module load singularity

Run singularity to see the options



USAGE: singularity [global options...] <command> [command options...] ...


View the Container command usage

singularity exec --help


USAGE: singularity [...] exec [exec options...] <container path> <command>


-B/--bind <spec> A user-bind path specification. spec has the format


Pull Application Container Images from Singularity and Docker

singularity pull shub://<singularity-container-full-path>   #Eg. Singularity path: shub://ucr-singularity/cuda-10.1-base:latest

singularity pull docker://<docker-container-full-path>      #Eg. docker path: docker://samuelcolvin/tensorflow-gpu-py3

Run the containerized application:

singularity exec -B /mnt --nv ./<app-image>.sif  <executable> ... #Example: singularity exec -B /mnt --nv ./cuda-10.1-base_latest.sif  nvcc -V

Detailed Information

Bind Paths in Singularity

Singularity allows you to map directories on your host system to directories within your container using bind mounts. This allows you to read and write data on the host system with ease [20]. Many of the Singularity commands such as run, exec, and shell take the --bind/-B command-line option to specify bind paths, in addition to the SINGULARITY_BINDPATH environment variable. 

System defined bound points are but not limited to$HOME, /tmp, /proc, /sys, and /dev etc. To map to /scratch and /mnt using exec, it becomes:

singularity exec -B /mnt,/scratch --nv $TENSORFLOW python <python-script>

Else, you will get the error like this though the file is in the /mnt/<

python: can't open file './': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Container support at Run Time

After the release of Singularity-2.3, it is no longer necessary to install NVIDIA drivers into your Singularity container to access the GPU on a host node [10]. Now, you can simply use the --nv option to grant your containers GPU support at runtime.

See the -nv option:

singularity exec --help


USAGE: singularity [...] exec [exec options...] <container path> <command>


-n/--nv Enable experimental Nvidia support


Check the Singularity containers available in HPC who environment variables are defined in Singularity module:

module display singularity








So, Tensorflow, FastAI, OpenSees, RAPIDS etc. are installed as Singularity containers

Check this guide to try running some of the containerized applications using singularity.

Running your own Container in HPC

Use Container At Run time

There is a way you can run the container at run time without creating or building it.

singularity exec --nv docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu-py3 python3 ./models/tutorials/image/mnist/

The models directory in the above command can be downloaded in your home directory

git clone

Build you own container in HPC

You can pull the container from shub or docker in HPC as a user

singularity pull shub://ucr-singularity/cuda-9.0-base:latest

It creates the container "ucr-singularity-cuda-9.0-base-master-latest.simg"

Or, using docker

singularity pull docker://samuelcolvin/tensorflow-gpu-py36

You can build your image (e.g. cuda.img) from shub or docker in HPC as a user

singularity build cuda.img shub://ucr-singularity/cuda-9.0-base:latest

MPI Container

Case Study: Gromacs-Plumed

Though you may get the error like "Error :[gput027:28538] [[18950,0],0] ORTE_ERROR_LOG: Not found in file plm_slurm_module.c at line 450" using multiple nodes, you should be able to run MPI Gromacs-Plumed requesting multiple processors in a single node.

Pull the image from Docker:

singularity pull docker://rinnocente/gromed-ts-revised-2019:latest

Run the job by using job script template below

#SBATCH -N 1 -n <# of CPUs> --mem=<memory-size>gb

cp -r <topology-and-data-files> $PFSDIR


singularity exec -B /scratch  ~/<path-to-image>/gromed-ts-revised-2019_latest.sif mpiexec -np <# of CPUs> /usr/local/gromacs/bin/gmx_mpi mdrun -nb auto -s <TPR file> -nsteps <steps> -plumed <plumed-input-data>

Building from a scratch in your PC & Transferring it to HPC

Installing Singularity in your PC -

yum update -y && \ 

yum groupinstall -y 'Development Tools' && \ 

yum install -y \ 

openssl-devel \ 

libuuid-devel \ 

libseccomp-devel \ 

wget \ 



tar xzvf go1.12.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz 

export GOPATH=/usr/local/src/singularity/go/go 

export PATH=/usr/local/src/singularity/go/go/bin:$PATH 

export VERSION=3.2.0 


tar -xzf singularity-${VERSION}.tar.gz cd ./singularity 

./mconfig --prefix=/usr/local/singularity/3.2.0 

make -C ./builddir 

sudo make -C ./builddir install

Very Important: You need to have admin access in your PC. You can't install and manipulate your image in HPC but you can just run it. 

You can either build the sandbox directory directly from docker container

sudo /usr/local/singularity/3.5.1/bin/singularity build --sandbox /mnt/vstor/RCCIDATA/singularity/rapidsai/ docker://rapidsai/rapidsai

Or, you can convert existing image to sandbox

sudo /usr/local/singularity/3.5.1/bin/singularity build --sandbox niftynet niftynet.img

Shell to the sandbox directory (e.g. niftynet) and install the required (dependency) packages for the container

sudo /usr/local/singularity/3.5.1/bin/singularity shell -w niftynet/

If you are using any other mount points, use -B option e.g. -B /mnt.

Install the Required Packages and exit from the shell (e.g. install tensorflow-gpu package)

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.12.2


Create the image as a root from the sandbox

sudo /usr/local/singularity/2.5.1/bin/singularity build niftynet.img niftynet

Building from Singularity Definition file

You can create your won singularity definition file or find one in GITHUB and build a container out of it. You need to be  root. Check the def file as a reference in /usr/local/singularity/definitions/<application>/<application-def-file>.def.

sudo /usr/local/singularity/2.5.1/bin/singularity build  opensees.img /usr/local/singularity/definitions/opensees/opensees.def


If you get Setting Locale failed, you need to update and install language-pac-en-base

apt-get update

apt-get install language-pack-en-base

Issue with pulling container?

singularity cache clean 


[1] (i) Singularity Home (ii) SYLABS

[2] Singularity Installation

[3] Creating Singularity Image

[4] Bootstrapping Singularity Image

[5] Update the Container

[6] Import Docker Image

[7] Singularity in Slurm Cluster

[8] Tensorflow Tutorials

[9] Tensorflow - MNIST Tutorial

[10] HPC @ NIH

[11] OpenSees def file

[12] Images in Docker Container

[13] Anaconda/Keras:

[14] All-in-One Docker Image:

[15] Singularity Docker:

[16] All Available Docker Images for Tensorflow:

[17] Neural Machine Translation (NMT)

[18] Singularity Hub (shub) -

[19] Docker Hub (docker) -

[20] Singularity Bind Paths