

GitHub [1] helps you to create repositories, fork repositories, and work together. The first section is about reproducing the project. The other sections are advanced sections related to creating your own GitHub account and contributing. The example project has also been contributed to VTK [2] - VTK/Python & VTK/Cxx. Refer to HPC Guide to File Transfer and HPC Software Guide for more information.

Installed Versions

All the available versions of GitHub for use can be viewed by issuing the following command. This applies for other applications as well.

git --version


git version          

Reproducing the Visualization work of author in HPC


Follow the "CWRU" specific guide" at HPC VTK Guide.

Note: The project has also been shared as Examples in VTK [2] - VTK/Python & VTK/Cxx.


Follow the "CWRU" specific guide" at HPC VTK Guide.

Note: The project has also been shared as Examples in VTK [2] - VTK/Python & VTK/Cxx.

Creating GitHub Account

Clone and Update Repository

Login to HPC and go to the directory where you want to create a directory to clone the repository.

cd <path-to-directory-for-repository>

Clone a Repository - e.g. It is the a content under "HTTPS Clone url". You can copy and paste.

git clone <Repository>


Initialized empty Git repository in /home/sxg125/Software/vtk/WriteVTP/NOVCA-Visualization/.git/

remote: Counting objects: 3, done.

remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0

Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.

You will see the repository (e.g NOVCA-Visualization) directory created. Change the directory to it

cd <repository-directory>

Checkout or CD to the branch (VTKPython):

git checkout <branch>


Switched to branch 'VTKPython'

You may want to create branch for better version control (optional):

git branch <branch-name>

Make sure the branch is added in one of the files under .git directory:

grep -R <branch> .git*


.git/packed-refs:f6c2cb1527b061dd566e07b7e70c78a262e32e38 refs/remotes/origin/april_21_2015

.git/logs/HEAD:f6c2cb1527b061dd566e07b7e70c78a262e32e38 f6c2cb1527b061dd566e07b7e70c78a262e32e38 Sanjaya Gajurel <> 1429649827 -0400checkout: moving from master to april_21_2015

.git/HEAD:ref: refs/heads/april_21_2015

Copy files (e.g. & graph.png) you want to include in the repository and make required changes in "" and other files in the local (HPC) repository.

cp <files> .

Add the files (e.g. in the local (HPC) repository. 

git add

Use "git rm" to remove files from the working tree and the index

See the status of the added file or the updated file:

git status


# On branch april_21_2015

# Changes to be committed:

#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)


#       new file:

Commit the files that you have staged in your local repository. You can write appropriate comment within quotes.

git commit -m 'First Commit'


[april_21_2015 77178c1] First Commit

 Committer: Sanjaya Gajurel <>


If the identity used for this commit is wrong, you can fix it with:

    git commit --amend --author='Your Name <>'

So, fix the identity if necessary:

git commit --amend --author='Sanjaya Gajurel <>' or git commit --amend --reset-author

Tag the remote host (GitHub location) - e.g  "novca"

git remote add <your-tag> <HTTPS location url>

Verify the remote repository:

git remote -v


novca (fetch)

novca (push)

origin (fetch)

origin (push)

Push the changes to the remote repository (e.g. novca as <your-assigned-tag>)

git push -f -u <your-assigned-tag>

It will prompt you for GitHub username and password, and you can see "You recently pushed branches" e.g. april_21_2015

Collaborative Effort (Forking)

README: GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)

If you want to embellish your GitHub Readme file and make it more readable, you can follow the instructions at GitHub Markdown [3]. As an example, the following markdown contents almost replicate the format used for HPC documentation. The result is showed as file in

# Table of Contents

1. [NOVCA-Visualization](#NOVCA-Visualization)

2. [CWRU HPC Specific Guide](#CWRU HPC Specific Guide)

<div id='NOVCA-Visualization'/>

## NOVCA-Visualization

The python script "" is executed to get the unstructured VTK file "vertex.vtu" which is fed to ParaView to get the graph similar to "graph.png".

<div id='CWRU HPC Specific Guide'/>

## CWRU HPC Specific Guide

Login to HPC & load the git module:


module load git


Clone the Repository:


 git clone


Go to NOVCA-Visualization directory:


cd NOVCA-Visualization


Load vtk and python modules:


module load vtk

module load python


Run the python script:




You will get the "vertex.vtu" file which needs to be fed to the ParaView ( Open the file in ParaView, apply glyph and get the one similar to graph "graph.png".

## References

1. [VTK/Python] (

2. [VTK/Cxx] (