Common Steps Before Installing Software

Before you proceed to installing software on HPC, check HPC Software Guide which lists the Software already installed in HPC. Follow these steps if it is not installed:

Reserve a Node

Reserve either a compute node or a GPU node

If your software requires a GPU, then check what GPU node you will need and reserve it. For example, if your software requires a GPU K40, then you would allocate it like this:

Choose a hierarchy

Choosing a hierarchy is really important as it determines which compiler you will be using: 

Will You Need the Base Module?

Deciding if you need the base module or not is quite important. If one of your dependencies is a more recent version of a RHEL7 package, then you will need base. It may be that the base module will be loaded as a dependency of one of the dependencies of your software.

We recommend using the system libraries as much as possible.

NOTE: Compiling with base can bring some compilation errors. Please read carefully the page about Working With the Base Module.

Load the Dependencies

Before you attempt to compile software, make sure that all the dependencies are loaded.

For more information, visit HPC Software Installation Guide.