

Starting Emeralds: 64

Referick is a Villager role in Wynn Mafia 2.

"Referick took me so long to feel comfortable about due to his design being inherently vulnerable to absurdly broken gameplay. He’s a resurrection role, being generally weak but also entirely built around coming back to life over and over. Ultimately, what I came up with was to tie his resurrection to voting: in order to bring him back, he has to get some standing in the vote tally. Early in the game when the player count is high, he’s nigh-unkillable, but as the game goes on his ability to return begins to come at similarly high cost. Though that isn’t accounting for the possibility that he’s still just straight-up broken, maybe even irreparably."

Level 1

70 health

If you are lynched posthumously OR attain votes from at least 6 players in a posthumous lynching, you will be revived, but only if your body has not been destroyed.

Level 2

Unlocked for 448E

70 health

You are able to send in a vote one phase ahead of time, so that if you are killed that night or otherwise prevented from voting, your vote will still count the next day. Your name will appear on the vote tally when you do this. If you cast a new vote on that day, it will override the vote cast by this ability.

Level 3

Unlocked for 1024E

70 health

You will not lose a level if you die and are resurrected.

You will be revived by a posthumous lynching as long as you gain votes from at least 4 players instead of 6.