"Fresh from Wynn’s greatest wizarding schools at mage island, you visited Detlas for opportunity - not a Mafia hunt. Nevertheless, you are here to help."

The Mage was an innocent role used in Wynn Mafia. Its power was limited, but its spells could still have an impact on the game.

The Mage was given the following powers:

  • You have a spellbook that contains a number of spells. One spell may be cast every phase, but casting spells in three consecutive phases puts you on a one-phase cooldown where you cannot perform any actions.

Its upgrade contained:

  • You learn two new spells, Ice Snake and Teleport. Ice Snake disables the role of a selected player for one phase. Teleport moves you to a random location, causing all actions on you by other players to be avoided/nullified for that phase at the cost of 5 HP. Status effects are not evaded with teleport.

Spell Book

Heal - Restores five health to a selected player plus regeneration for 1 phase. Also cures one harmful effect (if any).

Meteor - Deals damage to 3 random players, and does double damage to mafia members. Inflicts burning for 1 phase on all players hit. If you die on a phase when you cast a meteor, the direct killer (if there is one) will take the full damage.