Detective Hart


Starting Emeralds: 80

Detective Hart is a Villager role in Wynn Mafia 2.

"Detective Hart is the closest thing the town has to a real cop. He has a basic ability with restrictions involving learning players’ inventories and location history based on his own knowledge, but upgrades make him more consistent with his basic search and finally leads him to become a fool-proof cop, though it’s one of the most expensive upgrades in the entire game and requires investigation time."

Level 1

100 base health

Every night, you may investigate a player. You may choose to uncover that player’s location-visiting history or their inventory. However, there is a restriction: you can only identify locations or items that you already know of.

Level 2

Unlocked for 576E

100 base health

Even if you do not know an item or location, you will still learn its name.

Level 3

Unlocked for 1408E

100 base health

You may now investigate the alignment of a player without restriction of knowledge. This ability cannot be fooled. Also, the amount of investigation required to learn someone’s alignment means that you will not get results until four phases have passed, and you will not be able to start a new investigation during this time. If fewer than half of players remain, the investigation time is halved.