Episode 34 

The new Elephant Unleashed: more concise, provocative stories with insights, inspiration,  and opportunities for you to get involved personally and in your community.  

In this episode

1. The Urban Heat Island effect and warm summer nights. 

2. How we are experiencing concurrent climate disasters and will have more unless we wake it and shake it

3. How do we live with wildlife after COVID?

                                                                                         — SHOW NOTES —

1. It has been a true phenomenon - a profusion of wildlife repopulating their former habitats thanks to our friend ‘Rona. Many find this charming, but it sends an important message too. This is an unprecedented chance to give back some of the wild spaces and better yet, to recognize our place among the multitudes of creatures we share the Earth with. 

 2. The virus has shown us that we not only have to deal with the pandemic, but it’s complications with other disasters. Corona and flooding. COVID and hurricanes. We often think of eco-disasters as one-off events, but experts are telling us that we could easily experience three, four, or even more climatic catastrophes at the same time. It’ entirely up to us if we want to avoid these eco-holocausts. 

 3. The Urban-Heat Island effect has long been known. Cities are often several degrees warmer than surrounding areas. Even within the same city temperatures can vary radically. This is contributing to another unwanted event: our nighttime temperatures are warming much faster than daytime temps. We offer opportunities for you to help your city stem this rising temperature tide. 

Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight

Multiple Climate Disasters — at the same time