Benefits of Community Service – Community Engagement

Volunteering allows you to connect to your community and make it a better place. ... And volunteering is a two-way street: It can benefit you and your family as much as the cause you choose to help. Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills.

You Change Earth: Home

You Change Earth. We have ten years to avoid locking in catastrophic changes to our climate. There is so much we can do. Don't be an observer to disaster.

Benefits of Environmental Volunteering

Your contribution as an environmental volunteer could help ensure the long-term survival of a tropical rainforest or an endangered species. This is because you are actively participating in the conservation of that area or species. Your participation as an environmental volunteer can also make an indirect impact.

VolunteerMatch - Where Volunteering Begins

Search Volunteer Opportunities. VolunteerMatch is the #1 volunteer-engagement network. Find volunteer information and listings in your local community now!

Climate Cardinals

Climate Cardinals is an international nonprofit working to translate climate change research and information, making the climate movement more accessible to those who don't speak English. We aim to educate those who are unaware of climate change and provide them with information on how they can help combat the crisis.

Environmental Volunteer Programs Abroad

What To Know Before You Go

Volunteering  Opportunities On-line

Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Opportunities

Help Hands-on with  Non profit Wildlife Conservation Holiday

Looking for Volunteer Opportunities near you? Go to Mr. Google and type in: "Environmental Volunteer Opportunities Near Me"


Volunteer A merican Indian Family Center   We seek to build a thriving community through volunteerism and experiential learning opportunities. We believe in the impact of community connection.



Join Solar United Neighbors

Join a community of solar supporters working to help more people go solar and fight for our energy rights.

Take action

Learn about the laws and policies that impact your right to go solar. Make your voice heard where you live to stand up for solar!

Recipes for Creating Community Around a Pot of Soup