Ecocide is broadly understood as mass damage and destruction of nature, a root cause of the climate and ecological emergency that we now face. The current legal regime allows states and corporations to despoil the environment with impunity. This injustice has inspired a new movement of legal experts and citizens calling for the codification of ecocide as a fifth crime against peace, joining genocide, crimes of aggression, crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Their work aims to transform our understanding of nature from property to an equal partner with humans in building sustainable societies. 

Ecocide Law Alliance     Ecocide Law Alliance is a global initiative for business leaders in support of ecocide law. We collaborate with a network of organisations for our common goal: to make ecocide an international crime within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.

Mission Stop Ecocide               The Hague Peace ProjectsThe core work of Stop Ecocide International is activating and developing global cross-sector support for the international crime of ecocide.

What is ecocide and which countries have made it law?

Ecocide – or deliberate environmental harm – is a crime in 11 countries, and more are following suit. Mexico is the latest country to ...

End Ecocide on Earth               End Ecocide on Earth is an international grassroots citizens movement founded in 2012, created to carry out a European Citizens Initiative calling for the European Parliament to recognize the crime of Ecocide. The ultimate goal of the initiative is that ecocide will be recognised as a crime around the world. This means that ecocide is an international crime which can be enforced with an international court.


 It’s NOT Climate Change STUPID

Obviously Climate Change is epic. It is so grand and so commanding, ironically, it is easy to overlook in our everyday lives.  And as you know, scientists tell us that —the impact of CC with be with us for decades and centuries and needs to be dealt with now, to avoid the worst impacts in the future. The fact is, no matter what we do, some global warming is coming for us. But we can still prevent the worst of it.

However, there are a number of environmental challenges which require solutions right now and have the potential to cause much more immediate harm than Global Warming. There are extensive impacts on the land, and in the air and waters of the earth that are not related to Climate Change.

“We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now"

~ Sir David Attenborough