Episode 58 - Introducing: The Future Of...

Predicting the future has always been problematic. This is often because humans are so unpredictable. 

Guaranteed accurate information about the future is impossible, but reliable forecasting is possible. Trends present themselves, and that can be evaluated. 

Yes, the future can look bleak, and it would be easy to focus on the worse aspects of our climate and ecological issues that are facing us. However, there is so much that can be done, and we hope to stimulate some thinking and conversation with this endeavor. 

 This is a small sampling of some to the topics we will be addressing: The Future of carbon capture -  The Future of electric cars The Future of staying cool - The Future of heat - The Future of meat - The Future of fire - both good and bad - The Future of loneliness - The Future of the human climate niche - The Future of protest  - The Future of denial - The Future of summer - The Future of travel - The Future of the media

This episode we look at - The future of the daily weather forecast - The future of business travel - The future of clean air and the benefit to birds. 

It’s a remarkable time to be alive. The future is not determined. The future is in our hands. What we do between 2020-2030 is going to be the most decisive decade for humanity on Earth. You can learn about a world that hasn’t happened yet.