What is a Drawdown?         Drawdown is the point where greenhouse gases in the atmosphere peak and come down.  Project Drawdown organized a team to map, model and measure the most substantive solutions which could make that a reality. The editor, Paul Hawken, started with the idea of using existing technology. The things we already know that will work. The Drawdown book is largely a reference book – both smart and easy to digest. It sets ups a list of solutions, ranked by their potential to reduce carbon, brief explanations of each, and even cost estimates to ramp them up. What becomes clear from Drawdown is that our existing idea of solutions has been too narrowly focused on a few obvious solutions – like wind energy, solar energy and electric cars. We need a whole suite of solutions to draw down greenhouse gases. This book is proposing 100 solutions to draw down greenhouse gases. 

Climate Solutions 101 - Project Drawdown

Presented in six video units and in-depth expert conversations, this free online course centers on game-changing climate action.

Drawdown 101 -- An Introduction to the Science of Climate ... › watch Join Dr. Jonathan Foley, Executive Director of Project Drawdown, as he describes t