Episode 31

Coronavirus - Climate Change - The Extinction Crisis and Lessons to be Learned


It goes without saying, this is a remarkable time in modern human history. Virtually every person on the planet is collectively experiencing this unparalleled event together. Coronavirus has led to an astonishing shutdown of economic activity and a drastic reduction in the use of fossil fuels. To be clear, the coronavirus pandemic is a tragedy. However, it holds key lessons on how to combat the two great challenges of our time - climate change and the extinction crisis. The worse thing that could come out of this profound crisis is, that there would be no change. 

1. In this episode, we examine what climate change and the coronavirus of 2020 reveal about human nature. 

2. We will look at the environmental implications of where the virus originated, and how it could be avoided in the future. 

3. Also, we will explore and compare COVID 19 to an environmental phenomenon in many urban areas that kills millions every year — The Plague of Air Pollution. 

4. Finally, we observe how wildlife and Mother Nature are responding to this transcendent time in our history.