Episode Sixty-five

Tipping Points: 

                Local - Global – Social - Personal - Political                         and Hopefully,   a Tipping Point of the Human Heart.

Planetary Tipping Points Cascading

Local / Regional Environmental Tipping Points

The 3.5% Rule Tips to the 25% which Sparks a Social Revolution

The only way we can effectively manage climate change is through government intervention

Even if You Have been Impacted by Extreme Weather - You Will Still Stick with Your Tribe

The Key Element: Advocating for Action

Educate and Advocate Climate Change Connections for Women

For decades, women have been effectively mobilizing around environmental, political, economic and social issues. In their communities, in their countries and at the global level, they have demonstrated tremendous motivation and have achieved great successes in securing spaces for gender equality in policies and programmes. With climate change becoming one of the most urgent issues of our time, women and gender advocates around the world are taking action.

Republicans are Crazy - but not Stupid

                          "We're going to make you suffer"                                 Violence is Mainstream in the Republican Party 

Armed and Lame

Green is the New Red

Believe it or Not:  Right-Wingers Position Themselves as the New Eco-Warriors

Anti-Protest Laws Growing