Women Groups in Environment - Nature - Peace - Climate Action 

Empower Women for Climate-Resilient Societies

Women and marginalized groups are a fountain of solutions for climate change and disaster risk reduction. For women to be able to adapt to climate change and ...

Women's Action Against Climate Change Association

Women's Action Against Climate Change Association. Org #51706 ... To advocate for the promotion of women's rights and women empowerment.

Five Reasons Why Climate Action Needs Women

Mar 8, 2023 — By including more women in climate action, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all. Reason 2: Empowering women means ...

Girls' education for climate action - CAMFED                               Girls, Women and Climate Change. 33%. Around one third of the young educated women in our CAMFED Association are dependent on agriculture.

Funding Women-Led Organizations for Climate Justice

Climate Organizing Hub                                                                      The Climate Organizing Hub is grounded in the idea that abolishing the Fossil Fuel industry is the main way to meaningfully address climate change.Our mission is to connect community groups, climate organizations and individual activists to powerful campaigns that take direct aim at the Fossil Fuel industry. 


Women, Gender Equality and Climate Change

Climate Change, a Further Challenge for Gender Equity: How men and women farmers are ... social relations, health, and freedom of choices and actions.

500 Women Scientists

An open letter from women scientists. We declare our support to each other and resolve to take action towards a more inclusive society.