The Green Elephant in the Room

 Podcasting Solutions to Restore the Health of People and the Living Planet


"All truth passes through three stages: first, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; third, it is accepted as self-evident."            

Arthur Schopenhauer :: Philosopher

Let us start with what the podcast is not: another rehashing of the basics of, let's face it, how to be a "better consumer." Don't get us wrong, we of course  are in support of more people making greener purchase choices, recycling, using CFLs, etc. But that's being covered everywhere you look these days, in all manner of media. What is needed is a solid foundation of environmental knowledge that can be applied in the rest of our lives—from where we live and play and work. From there, we can apply it to help shape the world in a positive way, rather than feeling like a victim of it.

We will not overwhelm you with facts, statistics, and complicated scientific analysis. Often these can be confusing, and at worst overwhelming and frightening. However, they do have their place in illustrating this story and solving this issue. We will not give you platitudes and clichés - like "We only have one planet" or "We are borrowing the earth from our grandchildren" or other such babble. We will share with you what the problem is, what your role is in that problem, and what you can do to fix  said problem.

To put it mildly, this is a difficult topic.  Much as been known about our impact and the solutions have been in front of us for decades. Those solutions are not going to change — we have to. We need to be reminded about our responsibilities and behaviors. It’s that simple. 

Ultimately ours is a message of aspiration. I think a lot of what we see out there in the mainstream media is a tendency to associate environmental reporting with another study on climate change and how the world is soon ending. 

It’s easy to be discouraged and alarmed by the climate challenge ahead. We have a long way to go and very little time to achieve huge and enduring cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and to ease up on habitat destruction. But there is also a lot that all of us can do right now to make a very positive difference. Let’s get to work. Vulnerable people all around the world and future generations too are counting on us.

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The changes happening with the environment and climate are the biggest story of our lives and will have a greater impact on people than anything in the history of humanity — yet we rarely  talk about it. It's the dinosaur-in-the-room.  In politics, in the media, among ourselves. Our scorched earth policy is not really examined in any substantial way. I am not saying that it is never discussed. But considering the scale, scope and magnitude of the issue, it is far too little. I mean we are still discussing whether we "believe" in it or not! This podcast is a forum to discuss this issue in depth.