Episode 32

Resilience against Coronavirus and Climate Change / Women, Girls, Coronavirus, Climate Change and the assault on Feminism / Fighting Rollbacks on Environmental Regulations / Why 3.5% is a Magic Number / The Future of Children


Yes, we must absolutely focus on combating the virus now, but from this collective experience, we must comprehend one thing - that CC may well be the great engine for the next pandemic. On this episode of the Green Elephant:

1. As we invest in ways to stimulate our economy, we should be focusing on how to make our society more resilient against both pandemics and climate change.  We will take a deep dive into how to realistically achieve those goals. 

2. Women, girls, coronavirus, climate, and the assault on feminism.

3. How to fight back against the shocking Republican and Corporate regulatory rollbacks on environmental regulations. 

4. Why 3.5% is a magic number that could restore our sanity and the health of the planet. 

5. Finally, the future of children.