#62  The Great Climate Solution: Are You a Chosen One?

Nonviolent Peaceful Protest is Our Secret Weapon

Civil Disobedience

Historic Photograph of a Lunch Counter Demonstration in the '60s

During this sit-in at a segregated lunch counter, black and white students joined together in peaceful protest of racist policies.


A mob of young white people doused them with sugar, mustard, ketchup and had pepper thrown in their eyes.

Later they were attacked with brass knuckles, broken glass, and burned by lit cigarettes.

All the while the air was filled with obscenities, the n-word — it was a lavish display of unbridled hatred.

Would you sit there and take this abuse – or would you fight back.

What these students did, is the essence of nonviolent, peaceful protest.

The 3.5% Climate Solution

Which countries have contributed the most CO2 to the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution?

A stunning animation of cumulative greenhouse gas emissions over time.

News of the Future:  Are nations of the world going to be able to work together to solve global warming?

Eye-popping videos of which  countries have been the greatest contributors of global warming gases since  the beginning of the Industrial Revolution?