A global movement calling for climate action and

     justice has been ignited. Mother Earth needs

     trailblazing climate warriors, Battalions of them.


From Legacy Environmental Organizations to the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, hundreds of groups that would welcome your help to engage in the important work of creating a fossil-free future world where we have clean air and water, energy independence, green jobs, livable cities, and healthy children.

2.  Climate Action Meet-up Groups

     Meet other people concerned about environmental issues in your community. 

     Hundreds of groups all over the world – and in your neighborhood.

3. Volunteer Eco-Opportunities

    Global to Local to Online: Tons of Opportunities

4.  Social Justice Eco-Organizations

5.  Afro-American Eco-Organizations

6. Hispanic/Latino Eco-Organizations

7. Asian-Pacific Eco-Organizations

8. Women's Climate Groups

9. Parent Climate Activism 

10. Environmental Youth Organizations

11. Seasoned Citizen Activism

12. LGTBQ+ Climate Groups

13. Religious Organizations: Creation Care

Republicans and Conservatives for Climate 

14. Contact and Connect with Your Elected Officials                                  (You mean you’re not following your congress-person on social media?)

15. Vote for Earth Now

      Fewer than 1000 people decided the last election. Voters make or break governments. 

      Use your vote to make politicians act. Great volunteer activities too.       

16. A Green Career You Can be Proud Of – Earth is Hiring

      You can be part of shaping our climate-positive future

17.  Greening your Workplace

      Up Your Sustainable Game at Your Workplace

18. Encouraging (Demanding) Corporations to Go Green

19. How Green is Your Pension?

      Do you know where your retirement funds are invested?  

20. Giving: Put your Money Where your Morals Are

      Got more money than time? The best eco-organizations to donate to.

21. Socially Responsible Investing

  Make Money While Doing Good

22. Leading Eco-Media Resources 

23. How Green is Your University?

      Best Universities for Sustainability Degrees

24. Eco-Educational Opportunities for Students                                                                                                  

      Parents and students are demanding more eco-classes — and many school districts are taking them away!   

      How to get your Eco-Action Civics classed you need and deserve.

25Eco-Action Activities for Kids

       Kids want to do two things: They want to do, and they want to do now!

26Resources for Working with Climate Emotions 

       Find a Climate TherapistBecome a Climate-Aware Therapist

27. Citizen-Science Opportunities

      Becoming a citizen scientist is a hands-on way to track the consequences of climate and environmental change —

      and you don’t need an advanced degree in plant biology or climate modeling to get started. The only requirements

      are enthusiasm, a commitment to learn and some time, in whatever chunks you can give.

28. Eco-Adoption Programs

      Adopt an orphaned elephant, a sea turtle, a heron's nest, a pond, a tree, even an insect (!)

29. The Sharing Economy

     AKA: the Gig Economy, the Peer Economy, Collaborative Economy, Open Access Economy, or

     Collaborative Consumption. 

30. Socially Responsible Shopping

31. The Best Sustainable - Ethical - Environmental Phone APPS

32. Using AI and Tech to Cut Carbon (or maybe not...)

33. The Power and Purpose of Political Protest

34. Creative Climate Actions & Activities

35. Using the Courts for Environmental Justice

      Granting Legal Rights to Nature and Wildlife and Domestic Animals

36. Federal Action on Climate and Environment

      What can the US government do? A lot!

37. EPA: The Environmental Protection Agency

     The EPA works hard to make sure that low-income communities and communities of color are given a

     voice and put before polluter profits. The EPA is a real champion when it comes to holding polluters

     accountable for making communities sick that are historically disadvantaged.

38. Become a Climate Stories Ambassador 

   Climate Stories Project (CSP) is an educational and artistic forum for sharing stories about personal and

   community responses to climate change. CSP focuses on personal oral histories, which bring an immediacy

    to the sometimes abstract nature of climate change communication. 

As a Climate Stories Ambassador you will:

39. Use Less - Live More

      How to have a high-flying lifestyle without all the stuff.

40. Buy (and Sell) Used Items Online

41. How Psychology Can Help Fight Climate Change

42. Going Jet Free: Alternatives to Flying

43. The Future of Meat

44. Child-Free Support Groups

45. Carbon Rationing in a Climate Emergency

46. Tools for Biodiversity Restoration

47. Green Washing: How to Spot it and Avoid it

48. Join The Battle Against Fast Fashion 

49. PROJECT DRAWDOWN: The World's Most Comprehensive Plan to Reverse Climate Change

50. Climate Activism and the Arts 

51. Climate Change and Comedy

52. Climate Board Games and On-line Games

53. Successful Model Workers Green Cooperatives

54. Let’s Talk About Helping Climate Migrants, Not Climate Refugees