Podcast Index 

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Episode One (22:30)

A Chat with the Planet: Telling a New Story about what a Positive Future would look like

The premise of this first episode emphasizes three points:

1. Can using human psychology to change human behavior save the planet?                   

2. We need a new story with new heroes — like you.                                                     

3. Like death — climate and environmental change is difficult to talk about.                  


Episode Two (26:42)

Five Words that will Save the Planet: Part 1

Ahhh, the automobile. Powerful, sleek, sexy. We do love our cars. Just one little problem though…  


Episode Three (23:03)

Five Words that will Save the Planet: Part 2

Q:Eating a Burger or Driving a Car: Which Harms Planet More?

A: Like it or not, the global production of meat is the most destructive force on the planet today.


Episode Four (17:17)                                                                                Food Waste: The Dumbest Problem in the World                                           One of the most destructive environmental practices that you could fix three times a day, food waste is an appalling part of America's throw-away culture. It's costing us time, money, and our environment. We are wasting up to 40 percent of our food from farm to fork to face to landfill. It is time to stop biting off more than we can chew and clean our plates. And it's so easy to fix!

Episode Five (18:33)

Can One Person Make a Difference? YOU BET!

In the face of such huge global problems, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless, and to find ourselves asking, “What difference can one person make?”  The answer is that one person can make all the difference in the world. 


Episode Six (32:09)

Travel & Tourism & the Environment

Thanks to the application of the same industrial model developed for cars, houses and consumer goods, international tourism has exploded in size.


Episode Seven (29:16)

Is Recycling Working…or is the System Broken?                                                      It has long been an article of faith that recycling was the best proof that we were doing something good for the planet. Many people considered it their most valuable contribution for our environmental woes. But recycling isn’t working anymore. Listen in and find out why and better yet, what you can do about it.


Episode Eight (37:31)

It’s NOT Climate Change, Stupid!

The most pressing environmental problem facing us today? Habitat alteration. Habitat fragmentation. Habitat destruction.


Episode Nine (24:07)

Do we Live Better than Kings and Queens of Old?

Think of all the benefits of being a King or Queen of yore –

Giant castles, vast armies at your command, and unlimited wealth. What could be more appealing than the prestige and power that comes with royalty?


Episode Ten (34:57)

Climate Denial: Are you a Luke-Warmer?

Most people are not climate deniers.  It is an unreasonable and frankly, a stupid position to take.  Could Everyday Denial, the denial that virtually every one of us engages in multiple times a day, be even a greater threat than climate denial?


Episode Eleven (30:29)

Are We Living at "Peak" Civilization?

Do you think we owe something to our future descendants who will be painfully aware of our actions, or lack of action?


Episode Twelve (35:22)

At War with the Planet

Episode Thirteen (27:28)

The Australian Apocalypse

Australia is the continent that is being the most impacted by the climate crisis. Fascinating.

Episode Fourteen (23:34)

GOLD: After the Shine

Gold is one of the most destructive social and environmental forces on the planet – and most find it easy to ignore.


Episode Fifteen (37:48)                                                           

Are we the Dinosaur...and the Asteroid? Extinction: Part 1


Episode Sixteen (23:36)                                                                  

Are we the Dinosaur...and the Asteroid? Extinction: Part 2



Episode Seventeen (Solutions) (35:23)

The Eight Best Proven Ways to Stop Climate Change

Episode Eighteen (21:41)

Episode Nineteen (24:39)


Episode Twenty (23:34)


Episode Twenty-one (32:12)

Episode Twenty-two (24:55)

Episode Twenty-three (27:14)

 Episode Twenty-four (33:56)

Episode Twenty-five (33:06)

Episode Twenty-six (33:42)

Are you a two-faced Eco-hypocrite? (Don’t worry – we all are):

Are you two-faced in your eco-efforts?

News of the Future

Episode Twenty-seven (36:24)

A Change of Heart

The author of “Jaws”, Loggers, Fishermen, and others who had a change of heart and became eco and human rights activists


Episode Twenty-eight (37:48)

The New Green Real Deal

o   Origins of the New Green Deal

o   The Euro-Green Deal

Episode Twenty-nine  (32:34)

Animal and Plant Exceptionalism

Some creatures are truly remarkable

Arctic Swift * Monarch * Butterfly Migrations

Octopus * Crows * Plants and Trees

Episode Thirty   (32:40)             


Episode Thirty-one  (31:19)

Coronavirus - Climate Change - The Extinction Crisis and Lessons to be Learned


Episode Thirty-two (37:28)


Episode Thirty-three  (34:31)                                                            Through some celestial fortune, there is a perfect storm coalescing that could sweep humanity and the rest of creation into a spectacular transformation. The pandemic is a gut-wrenching reality check. The coronavirus has put humanity at a crossroads. Join Eco-Rico for a very special Green Elephant as we explore solutions to the unparalleled developments unfolding right in front of our eyes.


Episode Thirty- four


Episode Thirty-five 


 Episode Thirty-six (15:49)


 Episode Thirty-seven (23:19)

You Bug Me: The Little Creatures that Run the World

The evidence is clear that we are losing insects at an alarming rate. What we are witnessing is a "biological annihilation."

The good news is that insects can be helped to be rescued and you have a role to play by letting go of control a little bit. Still, there are major challenges ahead, but they can be overcome. Tune in and let's solve this ultimate enigma. 



Episode Thirty-eight  (29:55)                                                                                                                                                            Join Rico on one of his bicycle-touring journeys through the Cascade Mountains of Washington State. 

This is not a travelogue, but a revelatory look at how cowboys and capitalism are impacting some of our last great natural environments and open spaces. Learn how we can put the wild back into the wilderness. 


Episode Thirty-nine (28:29)

China / Paris : Urban Innovations. –Lakes are Increasing in number and size - while curiously decreasing at the same time. — The definitive answer on recycling pizza boxes – maybe. — Mining Copper and our not so bright alternative energy future. — Teen create a Bee-Byway – so can you. — and  "A Little Bit of Outrage" 


Episode Forty (33:53)


Episode Forty-one  (35:49)

Episode Forty-two (37:48)

Episode Forty-three (37:48)

Episode Forty-four


Episode Forty-five (16:29)                                                                


Episode Forty-six (24:46)

News of the Future 2.0 - Now even Futurier!


Episode Forty-seven  (31:25)                                                         

Episode Forty-eight (40:28)

Episode Forty-nine  (37:06)

 (Unfortunately, we are not very good at it)

      News of the Future

Episode Fifty (36:12)

Two stories that encapsulate our climate predicament and human nature. One is an uplifting tale of survival through cooperation, and the other a dark story of blind loyalty that led to tragic results. See if you can tell which is which.

      News of the Future


Episode Fifty-one

Travel, Tourism, and the Environment: (Rebroadcast)

Episode Fifty-two

Can One Person Make a Difference? You Bet! (Rebroadcast)

Episode Fifty-three       Part 1: Five Words that will Save the Planet (Rebroadcast)

This rebroadcast episode covers two of those words - that's because it is a big topic and very dear to most of us. Also, there are big changes happening, and we have updated the end of this episode. 


Episode Fifty-four

2. Five Words that will Save the Planet: Part 2 (Rebroadcast)

Episode Fifty-five                                                                           

The Climate, The Environment, and The Media (Part 1) 

Episode Fifty-six

The Climate, The Environment, and The Media (Part 2)

Episode Fifty-seven

Covid and Climate: Comparisons and Contrasts with Our Twin Threats


Episode Fifty-eight

Introducing: The Future Of...

Predicting the future has always been problematic. This is often because humans are so unpredictable. 

Guaranteed accurate information about the future is impossible, but reliable forecasting is possible. Trends present themselves, and that can be evaluated. 

Yes, the future can look bleak, and it would be easy to focus on the worse aspects of our climate and ecological issues that are facing us. However, there is so much that can be done, and we hope to stimulate some thinking and conversation with this endeavor. 

It’s a remarkable time to be alive. The future is not determined. The future is in our hands. What we do between 2020-2030 is going to be the most decisive decade for humanity on Earth. You can learn about a world that hasn’t happened yet. 

This episode we look at - The future of the daily weather forecast - The future of business travel - The future of clean air and the benefit to birds. 

Episode Fifty-nine

Episode Sixty


Episode Sixty-one

The Intersection Between Population Growth, Economic Growth, and the Climate And Environment

 The intersection between population growth, economic growth, and the climate and environment is complex. We simplify it for you.

      News of the Future

 Episode Sixty-two

The Great Climate Solution: Are You a Chosen One? The 3.5% Climate Solution (1 of 3)


Episode Sixty-three

Climate Hope: The 3.5% Rule of Nonviolent Protest (Part 2 of 3)

This Podcast Episode Answers Two Questions: 

1.    Who is best qualified to lead us in peaceful nonviolent climate protest?

2.    Which group of people is causing the most environmental damage?

Episode Sixty-four               This Could be the Key to Climate and Ecological Success  (Part 3 of 3)is Could be the Key to                            Climate and Ecological Success (Part 3 of 3)

Episode Sixty-five

Tipping Points: Local - Global – Social - Personal – Political — and Hopefully, a Tipping Point of the Human Heart.


Episode Sixty-six

The Great Climate and Environmental Solutions — Nothing more, nothing less.




Episode Sixty-seven

Population: 8 Billion People – One Humanity (Part 1)

Episode Sixty-eight

Population: 8 Billion People – One Humanity (Part 2)

Children, Your Greatest [carbon] Legacy

Episode Sixty-nine

Don't Despair – The Climate Fight is Far From Over 

Episode Seventy                                         Our Sweet Future Lives After we Solve Climate Change                           How should we think about a world that doesn’t yet exist?                                                  

Episode Seventy-one

Climate Deadlines and the Countdown to Catastrophe: From Doomsday to Action

Doomsday Clocks: Good Idea or Not?

Episode Seventy-two         Lights, Camera, Inaction: The Entertainment Industry's Failure to Address the Climate Crisis 

Episode Seventy-three           From Rising Mercury to Rising Murders: Climate Change and Gun Violence

Episode Seventy-four

Mega-Summer Musical Tours: Extravaganza  vs. The Extravagant Carbon Foot Print 

Episode Seventy-five               The Climate  vs. Capitalism: A Roadmap for Action

Episode Seventy-six

The Carbon Paw Print: Exploring the Global Impact of Rising Pet Ownership

Episode Seventy-seven

Declaring a Climate Emergency

Episode Seventy-eight

Beyond Truth: Why is Climate Change so Hard to Fix? Part 1

Episode Seventy-nine

Why is Climate Change so Hard to Fix? Part 2

Episode Eighty

The Most Dangerous Organization in History: The Republican Party – Part 1

Episode Eighty-one

The Most Dangerous Organization in History: The Republican Party – Part 2

Episode Eighty-two

The Most Dangerous Organization in History: The Republican Party – Part 3

Episode Eighty-three        

A REPUBLICAN RECKONING: A Fanciful Tale from Climate Denial to Renewable Revolution


Episode Eighty-four

Building Smarter: Cities as Catalysts for Positive Environmental Change

Episode Eighty-five

Rethinking Climate Solutions: The Myth of Infinite Green Growth 

Episode Eighty-six

Wired World: The Horrifying Impacts of Fencing on Wildlife and Ecosystems

Episode Eighty-seven           Powering the Future: Overcoming Gridlock on the Road to a Renewables Revolution

Episode Eighty-eight

Redefining Climate Activism:Individual Action vs. Systemic Change. 

Episode Eighty-nine

From Personal to Planetary: Why we Need Both Individual and Systemic Climate Action

Episode Ninety

A Climate Reckoning: From Ecological Grief to Environmental Action

Episode Ninety-one

Where's the Outrage? The Paradox of Inaction in the Climate Crisis

Episode Ninety-two

Shame as a Catalyst: Transforming Inaction into Climate Action

Episode Ninety-three

The War on Logic. The War on Reason. The War on Common Sense. The War on Science

Episode Ninety-four

CLIMATE: Nobody Cares Anymore

Episode Ninety-five

The Climate End-Game: This is not your Daddy's Gloom & Doom

Episode Ninety-six

Climate Crisis vs. Culture Wars: The Green Backlash

Episode Ninety-seven

Letters from Climate Scientists