Tools for Organizers


Tools for Climate Organizing

We Must End Oppression as We Work to End the Climate Emergency

It is possible to limit the effects of human-caused climate change and restore the environment—and some big changes are needed soon to accomplish this. Sustaining All Life and United to End Racism* believe the environmental crisis cannot be resolved without ending racism, genocide toward Indigenous peoples, classism, sexism, and other oppressions as we work to end the climate emergency.

Organizing Cools the Planet: Tools and Reflections to Navigate the Climate Crisis. 

Organizing Cools the Planet offers a challenge to all concerned about the ecological crisis: find your frontline. This booklet weaves together stories, analysis, organizing tools, and provocative questions, to offer a snapshot of the North American Climate Justice movement and provide pathways for readers to participate in it.

Tools | U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit   Climate Resilience Toolkit (.gov) Tools are available to help you manage your climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide you in building resilience to extreme events.

Tools for Climate Organizing ( English, Dutch, Filipino ...

Sustaining All Life

Tools for Climate Organizing ( English, Dutch, Filipino, German, Greek and Swedish). Click to view pamphlet PDF. (also available in Dutch, Filipino, German, ...

Climate Alliance

Comprehensive offerings for municipal climate action

Climate Alliance works closely with and on behalf of local authorities, taking a holistic approach to climate action. This is reflected in the tools and methods that Climate Alliance has developed or helped develop throughout the years.

The tools on offer fulfil a wide variety of needs in municipal climate action and cover the varied requirements and starting points of our member cities and towns: from general instruments to those with a regional focus, and from aides for beginners all the way to support for climate action role model communities.

Tools for Climate Organizing

Includes information on ending oppression as we work to end the climate emergency; sustaining ourselves as activists and organizers; basic RC theory; RC tools for organizing (including “news and goods,” appreciations, speaking order, sessions, think-and-listens, support groups, discussion formats, panels).

 THE ACTION NETWORK: Resources for Organizers   

NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS: Reach your community and inspire action

Raise money / Engage people with live and virtual events / Seize advocacy moments

                                               What is the Action Network?

The Action Network is a progressive online organizing platform. Anyone can become an organizer by creating a free account.

With that account, organizers can publish actions to the public, such as a petition to an elected official, an event RSVP form for a meeting the organizer is holding, a survey form to collect answers from a community, a fundraising form to collect money for an upcoming campaign, a ticketed event page to sell tickets to an event, or a letter campaign to have activists email elected officials.

As other activists take action and fill out the forms an organizer has published, those activists are opted in to the organizer's email and/or mobile list. Using our built-in mass mailing and mobile texting tool, organizers can contact that list of activists whenever they want, and download the data on their list too!.

Action Network focuses on doing one thing well -- digital organizing -- rather than trying to do all things only somewhat well. In that spirit, we don't offer websites, we're not set up for offline organizing or more general CRM work, we don't do FEC compliance, etc... Rather, we offer integration points that allow you to connect together multiple systems if you choose, while picking the best system for each task.

Therefore, activists loaded into Action Network must have an email address or phone number, and activists are automatically de-duplicated by email address and/or phone number.