Podcast Manifesto — Our Guiding Principles


1. The environment and climate are the biggest story in the world.  It will have a greater impact on people and the planet than anything in the history of humanity. Yet, we never really talk about it. It is the elephant-in-the-room.  Not trying to sound too shill, nothing less than the future of humanity is at stake. This podcast is a forum to discuss this issue in depth.

2.   We will not overwhelm you with facts, statistics, and complicated scientific analysis. At best these can be confusing, and at worst overwhelming and frightening. However, the scientific facts of this crisis do have their place in telling this story. We cannot continue giving power to those who don't believe in science, or worse, pretend they don't believe in the science for their own self-interest.

3. This podcast will be dedicated to what you (we) are doing in our daily lives to contribute to this crisis and how simple changes in our behavior can go a long way in reducing the threat. This is a 3-legged stool. There is me and you (+ 7 billion more humans), corporations, and governments. If you are not informed and on board, how do you expect business leaders and politicians to enact the changes that must be made?

4. We will not be giving you “Green News” to speak of. There are plenty of worthy publications and internet sites that do a fine job of that. This issue has not changed substantially in 70 years. We will be taking that information and relating how individuals can make a difference everyday. 

5. Scientists have suggested that we share the earth with about 8.7 million other species on Earth. There is one species that we give virtually all of our attention and thoughts to, while effectively ignoring the multitude of other plant and animal species in the world — humans.  

6. Ironically, we live in the safest, most prosperous time in human civilization. Regardless of what you see in the media, by any measure we live longer, healthier, more comfortable lives than any time in history.     In your lifetime we have dramatically improved the lives of billions of people. By any measurement improvements in extreme poverty, health and longevity, infant mortality, civil liberties, and education have all been made substantially better.  Despite what we perceive, life has never been better for humans.

7. The other undeniable truth is that we continue to do great damage to the planet and we haven’t learned how to grow our economy without harming nature. In the past 50 years, truly a blink of an eye compared to the more than 2 million years of our species’ history, we have seen an exponential acceleration of the unsustainable and wasteful use of natural resources. 

8. We are not going to solve the problems of global warming and ecosystem destruction without a lot of controversy and heartache. But we have to keep our eye on the prize and keep moving forward. We have to envision a cleaner, more just, healthier world. It is not beyond our ability. A recent poll showed that only 2% of Americans voters overall rank climate and environmental issues as their most important issue when voting for a congressional candidate — we have our work cut out for us. 

9. Solving problems — big problems — is always a collaborative undertaking. We are surrounded by the evidence of the remarkable human capacity to solve problems. In our daily lives we depend upon technological solutions to the practical problems of living within the world. That capacity lies within individual human minds, and more effectively within the collaboration of minds. The problems we face will require extraordinary solutions. We have the capacity to effectively tackle the challenges ahead of us. In fact, it will be our greatest achievement. 

10. To put it mildly, this is a difficult topic. That’s why we don’t generally discuss it. Our impact on the planet has been long known,  and the solutions have been in front of us for decades. They are not going to change — we have to. We need to be reminded about our responsibilities and behaviors. It’s that simple.

We bring you critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic concerning climate and the environment.  We offer you a sobering but not too serious discussion, with solid solutions you can employ today.