Episode 55 

 The Climate, The Environment, and The News-Media 

(Part 1)


UPDATED INFORMATION: In this acclaimed classical rebroadcast we take the news-media to task for its appalling lack of coverage in this critical time of climate and ecological breakdown. We need to hold the media accountable for their miserable record of reporting on our fossil fuel-driven climate emergency.

The news media is powerful and influential and should be a substantial and reliable source in our increasingly unlivable world. This episode’s webpage (below) includes updated information on what you can do to shift environmental and climate news coverage from being just a SOURCE to being a valuable RESOURCE of information.

You will be shocked to learn about how little time broadcast news gives to climate and environmental stories. And, as low as that is, they give virtually no time to explain what we should be doing about it!

There has been a recent uptick in eco-reporting, considering this summer has been like a hike through the Book of Revelations. 

Arguably the news industry is one of the most powerful forces for influencing and shaping human thought and culture.

Now of course, things have gotten a little wacka-doodle with the blatant lies and deceptions of the Right-Wing media. 

The most popular cable station in the country, Fox Noise, recently expressed a teeny-tiny amount of remorse for their distorted disinformation campaign against the Covid pandemic. 

Considering their deceitfulness have costs tens of thousands of lives over the last year, the question is, why did it take this long to wake up and smell the caffeinated?

In this episode Part 1, we briefly look at the use, function, and importance of the news. We explore the question: what if there was no media? And we go looking for the Age of Missing Information. 

And finally we make the case that the News Media maybe our only hope to stop the daily climate horrors we are witnessing today.  It's a hard case to make.

The Media could be a defining factor in tackling our eco-challenges — unfortunately, it's not...

What You Can Do  to Improve Climate Coverage