Podcast Episode 24

Show Notes

The US military establishment is not a sentimental organization and is very politically conservative. Why is it then, that they are the only conservative institution that not only believes in a warming planet but are also preparing for the worst effects. They know that it is an unparallel national security threat that could rupture the stability of the country and the world. 

Skiing and snowboarding are popular sports for millions, but changing weather patterns means that winter is going away and taking the snow with it. Ski resorts have always been energy-intensive and that is only increasing as they have to make their own artificial snow. Inside the ski industry’s battle with climate change. 

 Raging fires, flooding, and droughts are having a global impact on human populations. What we don’t hear about is the staggering shockwaves that are happening to innocent native wildlife populations. They had nothing to do with our over-heated world, but because of the wreckage of habitat destruction and climate shocks, their world is literately being ripped out from under them. The devastation, dislocation, and suffering they are experiencing are largely ignored. Plants and animals can't do anything about the warming globe. People can.