A Brief Introduction to The Green Elephant

"We are the first generation to really understand the dangers of climate change and the last generation with time and opportunity to do something about it."                        

 — Mary Robinson (former president of Ireland & co-host of a new environmental podcast: Mothers of Invention) 

Anxious about a nightmare future of runaway climate and eco-system collapse?  I don't blame you. The ocean collapsing?  Clam up.  Arctic melting?  I'll take another drink on the rocks. Worry no more. The Green Elephant is here to the tackle greatest threat to life on earth in human history. Each episode we give you critical thinking, skepticism, and some irreverence for this insane situation. We also give you hard and fast ways you can help. It is time to raise your voice and get involved. Subscribe, tune-in, and skip the impending apocalypse.

Here are three good reasons to listen to The Green Elephant:

First, It will help you set priorities. We need to move beyond recycling, and know which, of the many hundreds of things that we consumers buy and do, that cause the most environmental damage.

 2. It will help you stop worrying about insignificant things.   The fact is, if we focus on the big priorities and downplay subtle differences between smaller actions, you won’t have to sweat the small stuff, like using disposable diapers, or spray cans, or paper napkins.

And finally 3, The program will focus on those big priorities, sharing with you simple things we can all achieve the will stop and even reverse our impacts we are inflicting on the earth.

What does an  'Elephant in the Room' mean? 

"Elephant in the room" is an English language idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The idiomatic expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk no one wants to discuss.