Listening to Local Communities: 

Community-led Climate Action Planning

examples of community engagement in climate action


The Building Blocks of Community Participation in Local Climate Meetings

To make greater strides in reducing city-level greenhouse gas emissions, more collaboration between civil society and local governments is necessary. Participation in neighborhood and town meetings about climate change sets the stage for enduring community involvement in resiliency and mitigation planning.

Building climate resilience with local communities - CityTalk

Climate adaptation is most impactful when it centers the lived experiences of local communities – addressing the real impacts of a changing climate.

Community-based participatory climate action

Cambridge University Press & Assessment

Improving the flow of information between governments and local communities is paramount to achieving effective climate change mitigation and adaptation. We propose five pathways to deepen participation and improve community-based climate action. The pathways can be summarized as visualization, simulations to practice decision-making, participatory budgeting and planning, environmental civic service, and education and curriculum development. 

Funding Local Climate Actions

How to decide if green bonds are right for your city

If your city is able to issue bonds, a green bond is worth pursuing if it offers greater advantages than a conventional bond in the local context. Green bonds ...

Funding Opportunities | U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

Mar 16, 2023 — Increasingly, funding for local climate adaptation and resilience projects must draw on a range of public and private financing. For instance, groups may apply ...

How to Spread Awareness

The Social Dimensions of Climate Change

How Cities are Confronting Climate Change

Cities and climate change

United Nations Environment Programme › explore-topics › what-we-do

At the same time, cities are a key contributor to climate change, as urban activities are major sources of greenhouse gas emissions.

Using Digital Tools to Tackle Climate Change

Commonplace Community Led Climate Change Road Map

Sustainability West Midlands › news

Jul 6, 2021 — about it. Commonplace have developed The Community Engagement Road Map attached below to look at several scenarios, relating to how communities ...

Climate Pledges