Climate Change Focused Groups

Climate Defiance

Climate Defiance

A PLANET THAT SUSTAINS LIFE. · mass participation. To change everything, we need everyone. · solidarity. We will stand with sister movements fighting for racial ..

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions: Home

Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization founded in 2013 to engage Republican policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge. 

Climate Reality Project                       US Chapters                                                                                    A group of citizen activists attending a chapters presentation. Across the country, everyday Americans are joining Climate Reality chapters and working together ...

Climate Accountability Institute 

 The Climate Accountability Institute was formed in 2011 to confront fossil fuel companies. We calculated the emissions traceable to their annual production of crude oil, natural gas and coal historically – atmospheric warming is driven chiefly by past emissions and long-term carbon dioxide concentrations – and estimated future emissions based on their proven reserves. We work with investigators, human rights commissioners, advocates and lawyers in an effort to curb the carbon industry’s enthusiasm for unabated fossil fuel development.


Climate Interactive

En-ROADS is an online simulator that provides policymakers, educators, businesses, the media, and the public with the ability to test and explore cross-sector climate solutions.

America, Let's Move Beyond Coal and Gas | Beyond Coal

The Beyond Coal campaign wants to close all coal plants in the U.S. and replace them entirely with sources of clean energy. See Our Successes.

Climate Organizing Hub                                                                      The Climate Organizing Hub is grounded in the idea that abolishing the Fossil Fuel industry is the main way to meaningfully address climate change.Our mission is to connect community groups, climate organizations and individual activists to powerful campaigns that take direct aim at the Fossil Fuel industry. 

New Consensus is the organization that wrote the Green New Deal. they focus on helping people to understand and imagine the transformation required, moving the discussion away from things like a carbon tax or cap-and-trade to really change our vision of what an adapted climate society would be.