From Coffee Cups to Corporate Culture

Upping Your Sustainable Game at Your Workplace

Ramp it up a Notch

Major corporations have thousands of employees. Staff at these companies can plan walkouts or join strike actions to push their companies to make serious commitments to climate action such as reducing their consumption and switching to clean energy alternatives.

Divestment from Fossil Fuels

Divestment, Engagement, Activism | UNFCCC

Nov 4, 2021 — How do we persuade corporations to take the climate crisis seriously, and make ... it would sell its €15.5 billion allocation in fossil fuel investments.

Trade Union Groups and the Good Fight

Why Climate Change matters to trade unions | EPS

Quite apart from issues of solidarity with fellow workers around the globe, climate change will affect us all and changes to working life are inevitable.

Climate change is a trade union issue

action we will face irreversible changes in our climate. WE have policy ... give us a fighting chance to limit the temperature rise to 2 degrees or less.

Involving trade unions in climate action to build a just transition

Such strategies will provide the means to address the complex, interdependent, structural and long-term challenges posed by climate change. They play a ...

CUPE's green union policy means a brighter future - CUPE National

Economy at Work - Summer 2014 | In March 2013, CUPE adopted its first National Environment Policy: Working harmoniously on the earth.