I am exhibiting here all the pictures that were offered to the members of the group frm May 2020 up to July 2021. They are not for sale, as they are a gift to those who support me in my artistic project. To own them, you just have to join the group, free of charge.

This period matches a phase of the maturity of a style composed of multiple layers of textures and real images.


This style was the result of two confining beliefs : one that considered the graphic universe of Second Life as "inferior" to other current artistic graphic trends; the other one which avoided imitating an existing graphic style, classic or current. 

When we lock ourselves in beliefs, although the results can have successful aspects, they come  with too much effort, without real fulfillment.

Editing with texture layers and real life pictures
(left : original Second Life picture)


Today I accept the universe of Second Life as the raw material of my creations.I no longer try to disguise it anymore with texture layers and strong filters, as if shamefully to hide the origin of my images, but on the contrary to show with the maximum elegance possible its characteristics, by emphasizing its unique aesthetic. It is a minimalist work, but it is no less important. It is more subtle. While I loved the flamboyance of my first period, I now thrive on the delicacy of nuance and detail.

Beyond the style, meaning matters. The style that I inaugurate here reveals, more than ever, my attachment to symbolism and surrealism.

"Asymetry" a picture of the second period.


I am happy to have gone through this period, and I am also happy that it is over. The style I'm moving towards now is free of all beliefs, where I work with what is available. If a human being is driven by the desire to express themself through a creation, they take what is at hand.

Prehistoric people drew with their hands or sticks on rocky walls from mixtures of colored earth, ashes, maybe herbs or blood. And I have 3D and photoshop to work with. 

Only the tools differ, the desire and intent are the same. If civilization breaks down tomorrow, I will use colored earth and blood.

This way of approaching creation is not solely the only and most joyful way possible, it is also an example of resilience. Resilience is the most important skill of our time, as we face the most dramatic changes since the beginning of humanity. All on earth will, without exception, have to adapt to what will overtake us, even bury us.